The intelligence agencies also prefer Rh negative people who possess the CCR5 Delta 32 gene, although this is not mandatory. The CCR5 delta 32 gene is a mutated form of the CCR5 gene. The Mutation is caused by a deletion of 32 base pairs normally found on the CCR5 gene. This gene is found only in European, West Asian and North African populations. The CCR5 delta 32 gene originated in the Caucasian race, and is only found in West Asian and North African populations due to admixture, and it isn't found in the Sub Saharan African population. This gene causes people to have a resistance to the HIV virus and other diseases that need the CCR5 protein to enter cells in order to cause infection.
These rare deleted genes originated in the Caucasian race, and having these genes can cause you to be a targeted individual. You may experience a wide variety of intrusions into your life, these intrusions can range from simply having medical records monitored to mysterious paranormal experiences. I'm going to share everything I know about why Rh negative people are being monitored. I'm about to share a lot of controversial information, please don't shy away because this information would be classified as conspiracy theories by the mainstream public. This article is going to dive into a lot of Information that was once classified top secret. I'm only sharing what I've researched and found to be truthful. Please further research anything you read in this article, so you can decide for yourself what is or isn't factual. I've spent countless months researching this topic, and what you are about to read is truthful to the best of my knowledge.
"In war, truth is the first causality" - Aeschylus
I came across a very interesting whistleblower by the name of James Casbolt. He claims to be a former MI-6 agent who worked in "Black ops" drug trafficking operations during the mid to late 90's in London, England. He has spoken out about black operations that involve the recruitment and study of Rh negative people. James was born into Project Mannequin, a mind control and genetic manipulation program run by the National Security Agency (NSA) in the United Kingdom. The NSA is an American organization that runs projects in and outside of the United States. James stated he was chosen for project Mannequin, which is a British MKUltra sub project, due to his fathers involvment in the Illuminati intelligence community, and because he possesses rare celtic genetics, he and his family have Rh negative blood.
James Casbolt has reported that the NSA recruits Celtic Rh negative people because they believe people with these genetics have a predisposition to have paranormal experiences and psychic abilities, such as telepathy, precognition, and clairvoyance. For many generations ancient Celtic people practised psychic and magic rituals for their pagan religion of Druidry. The NSA and other top intelligence agencies believe psychic abilities are in the genetic memories of the Rh negative bloodlines. Even if a Rh negative individual hasn't practised PSI abilities,they can be easily trained to do so.
Researchers first suspected genetic memories were possible when they began studying the migration of monarch butterflies. Beginning in September and October, millions of Monarch butterflies migrate from southern Canada and the United States to overwintering sites in central Mexico where they arrive in November. The butterflies begin the return trip in March, and arrive in July. The life span of an individual butterfly is to short for it to complete the entire round trip. Female monarchs lay eggs during the migration, and it takes at least 3 generations of butterflies to migrate from Canada to Mexico, and it takes no less than 5 generations to migrate from Mexico to Canada. The migration of the monarch butterfly baffled scientists for many years because the butterflies know where to go without ever taking the trip before. No matter when or where the monarch butterfly matures it knows the migration route. Researchers have hypothesized that the migration is genetically programmed within the butterfly. This phenomenon has been dubbed as "genetic memory". Researchers have also wondered if humans have genetic memories, and whether different ethnic groups have thier own unique genetic memories. Scientific research must have concluded humans have genetic memories because Rh negative people have been used by numerous intelligence agencies in a multitude of different classified projects because of their psychic genetic memories.
In 1979, United States intelligence sources learned that the Soviet Union wa spending 60 million rubles annually on paranormal research. In response to the rumors that he Soviet Union had favorable results, U S. Intelligence agencies began funding their own research programs. The U.S military was very interested in psychic abilities, and the potential use of such abilities in military and domestic applications. In 1979 at Fort Meade, Maryland, a U.S. army unit later known as the "Stargate Project" was established by the Defense Intelligence Agency to hone the craft of psychic powers and apply it for military use. The one of the main purposes of Project Stargate was to create a breed of super soldier who would have powerful psychic abilities, such as the ability to become invisible at will, walk through walls and "remote view"; the ability to see events, people, places or things from a great distance away, using nothing but mind power.
The men who served in this army unit were highly decorated military officials, and they took project Stargate very seriously. Major General Albert Stubblebine was a major proponent of project Stargate and psychic warfare from 1979 to 1984. He initiated "Project Jedi" within project Stargate which he commanded from 1981 to 1984, to create a psychic super soldier. Stubblebine was forced to take "early retirement" from the Army in 1984, after some controversy that involved violations due to uncleared civilians working in restricted areas that processed classified information. This is the official reason behind his early retirement but I believe there is more to it because Stubblebine was a high ranking military official He was a key leader in the 1983 invasion of Grenada and was, according to a 1983 article published by the Daily Mail "at the heart of America's military machine". In 1990, Stubblebine was inducted into the Military Hall of Fame. This man clearly took his military service serious. So it is obvious the military and the government took psychic abilities very seriously.
Project Stargate ran under the Defense Intelligence Agency for 16 years, until in 1995 the FY Defense Appropriations bill directed that the program be transfered to the CIA. The CIA was instructed to conduct a review of the program. In 1995 the CIA contracted the American Institutes for Research (AIR) to evaluate project Stargate. Their final report was released to the public, November 28, 1995. The final recommendation by AIR was to terminate the Stargate effort. The CIA concluded that there was no case which psychic abilities helped guide intelligence operations. This is obviously a blatant lie.
There is no way the military would have spent millions of dollars, and have their top men work for decades on a project that did not yeild the expected results. I believe that due to the countless security breaches the project had under the Defense Intelligence Agency, the CIA decided to take over the project in order to continue it in total secrecy. What better way to throw off the general public than to release the projects supposed classified documents and discredit the entire project. The CIA caused the public to be outraged, because they declared that the U.S. military spent 20 million dollars of tax payer money on a futile attempt to militarize something as ridiculous as psychic powers. The CIA through the Freedom of Information Act system released 12,000 files totaling 89,000 pages of material, declaring that this was all the research ever conducted within project Stargate. I have my doubts that this material included anywhere near all of the research. The CIA most likely confiscated the most promising research for themselves in order to take the program underground.
I covered project Stargate in order to give you a firm understanding that the top intelligence agencies and militaries of the world know PSI abilities are real! They began trying to militarize these abilities over 40 years ago. As of now, they've perfected the militarization of PSI abilities and have been using these abilities for quite some time. Through rigorous study they've learned that Rh negative people are predisposed to have PSI abilities and are more likely to have paranormal experiences. This is one of the reasons why intelligence agencies are monitoring and recruiting Rh negative people.
Another program intelligence agencies are recruiting Rh negative people for is Project MKUltra, a mind control program. The people who run this program believe Rh negative people are prime candidates for truma based mind control due to their genetic memories. Could this be why all the major political figures have this blood type? It has been rumored for sometime that the presidents and prime ministers of western nations are merely puppets for a shadow government. Has the shadow government chosen to put people with Rh negative blood in positions of power because they are easily controlled?
James Casbolt was used as a mind control slave much like Cathy O'Brien. Cathy is also of celtic descent and was part of the American run mind control program called Project Monarch. Project Monarch was yet another sub project of the CIA's main Project MKUltra. You can find out more about Project Monarch and Project Mannequin by reading Cathy O'Brien's book "Trance Formation of America" and James Casbolt's book "Agent Burried Alive". I find it compelling that two mind control victims from different countries have both disclosed in their books that intelligence agencies are looking to recruit Rh negative people of Celtic descent for mind control and genetic manipulation programs. Intelligence agencies are very interested in the genetics of Celtic Rh negative people because they believe these people are direct descendants of the lost tribe of Dan.
The American mind control program project Monarch is named after the monarch butterfly. I find the name of this operation of particular interest because the scientific name for the monarch butterfly is Danaus Plexippus, and it was named after Danaus a great great grandson of Zeus and the mortal woman Lo. Egyptian historical records mention men by the name of Cadmus and Danaus fleeing from Egypt with their followers. They were said to settle in Greek lands. Danaus was of the tribe of Dan. He and his people invaded the Greek city of Argos, Danaus became bacame ruling King of the city. Diordorus the Greek historian recorded that Israelites did indeed settle in the city states of Argos, Athens, and Colchis. So it seems project monarch was symbolically named after the tribe of Dan and their genetic memories.
What is also of interest is Danaus's great great grand daughter Danaë had a son with Zeus who is known as Perseus. Perseus is known as the legendary founder of Mycenae and of the Danaans (Tribe of Dan). Perseus is the great grandfather of Hercules. It is a well known fact that the father of Hercules is Zeus. Why would Zeus the God continuously mate and bare children within the same family? Wouldn't that be an act of incest? Could the Zeus character found multiple times in this family tree be different people from the same race of "God's"?
Perhaps this family tree doesn't represent a long line of inbreeding with the same individual "God" but it tells us of multiple god like individauls from the same highly advanced race mated with early humans creating a hybrid race. Greek mythology seems to tell the same story that the early Bible scripture does. Could Zeus and the other Greek gods be what the Bible called "Nephilim"?
James Casbolt has disclosed that the Rh negative Tribe of Dan have a stronger connection with the "Nephilim" of the bible than Rh positive people. The Bible states in Genesis 6:4 "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterwards, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men, who were of old, men of renown." Religious people believe the Nephilim were hybrid children of fallan angels and human women. While non-religious people believe the writers of the Bible described an early incursion of ancient alien astronauts, who bred with human women and created a hybrid race.
Let's look into what the Bible has to say about this tribe of people. The tribe is named after their ancestor Dan, who was the 5th son of Jacob. Jacob was renamed Israel by God, and was the father of the 12 tribes of Israel. The tribe of Dan is omitted from the 12 tribes of the sons of Israel, in regard to the 144,000 sealed Israelites. Instead of Dan, the tribe of Joseph appears twice, being represented by Manasseh. This is testimony to the unworthiness of Dan. Dan means to "judge, rule, or govern." What a coincidence that the British monarchy and the western leaders are Rh negative. Dan is described as a serpent, which many interpret as a connection between Dan and Satan. Genesis 49:17 "Let Dan be a serpent by the road side, a horned viper by the path, That bites the horses heel, so that the rider tumbles backward." Early Christian writers, such as Hippolytus, believed that the tribe of Dan will give rise to the Antichrist. Bible prophecies seem to provide hints and obscure warnings about this tribe. The prophecies imply that the tribe of Dan has become mixed with fallen angels and will play a malevolent role in the end times.
Even if this seems like total nonsense to you we must take the fact that top intelligence agencies of the world believe that the Nephilim existed very seriously. These people truely believe remnants of the Nephilim race can be found in the Rh negative human population. I wanted to know if there was any definitive proof that the tribe of Dan actually have Rh negative blood, and I learned of the Ethiopian Jews known as Beta Israel who claim direct descent from the tribe of Dan. Their claims are supported by former Shepardic Cheif Rabbi Ovadia Yosef. When Solomon's Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC, the tribe of Dan migrated from Jerusalem into the kingdom of Kush, which is now modern day Ethiopia and Sudan. Rh negative blood is found among the Ethiopians at a frequency of 8%. This is a substantially higher rate than the general African population. Africans typically only have a 1-3% frequency of Rh negative blood. Ethiopia's higher frequency of Rh negative blood seems to back the claims of intelligence agencies that the tribe of Dan possesses Rh negative blood.
According to James Casbolt the NSA has implemented a plan to track down the descendent's of the Nephilim or the lost "Tribe of Dan". Apparently they called this operation "Project Oaktree". This doesn't seem like a far fetched project for the NSA to take on due to the fact tracking and monitoring large groups of people is what this agency does.
The NSA has records on all US citizens. The NSA also gathers information on anyone who might be of interest to any of the over 50,000 NSA agents. These agents are authorized by executive order to spy on anyone they deem of interest. The NSA has a permanent national security anti-terrorist surveillance network in place. This surveillance network is completely disguised and hidden from the general public. Tracking individuals in the US is easily and cost effectively implemented with the NSA's electronic surveillance network. This network covers the entire US and other parts of the world, involves tens of thousands of NSA personal, and tracks millions of persons simultaneously. NSA personal have quasi-public positions in our communities, and run cover businesses that can inform the intelligence community of persons of interest. NSA personal in the community tend to use occupations of social workers, lawyers and business owners as cover identities. So if you're an Rh negative individual and have had strange experiences with public officials, you may very well have been dealing with an undercover intelligence agent.
A lot of the time Rh negative people are worth more to intelligence agencies dead than alive. Everyone knows how valuable O negative blood is. If you have this blood you are constantly pestered to donate it. Many of us do donate on a regular basis because we are guilted into believing one day we may be unfortunate enough to need it and not have it. This simple fact is one all Rh negative people live with. Even though many of us donate blood on a routine basis the blood supply for Rh negative blood is in a constant state of shortage. Many of us realise we can't rely heavily on the blood banks so we join emergency Rh negative blood registries as a precautionary measure. The registry allows us to call on an Rh negative person in our area to donate blood in the case of an emergency. What is causing the constant blood shortages when Rh negative people are the only ones who need this blood? All other people can use O positive blood and people with O positive blood make up at least 40% of the overall population. It wouldn't surprise me if O negative blood was ending up in research labs. Just like it didn't surprise me in the least when it came to light that Planned Parenthood officials were caught selling aborted fetuses to research labs. So it shouldn't surprise you that Rh negative people are worth more dead than alive. Rh negative human tissue and organs are more than likley in high demand when it comes to black market organ sales. They assume Rh factor isn't of any significance when it comes to organ transplantation because the Rh antigen is only present on the surface of the red blood cells and not on the parenchymal cells of the graft. They do admit that Rh incompatibility can lead to problems due to passenger lymphocyte syndrome. The truth is there hasn't been many studies conducted on the effects of Rh incompatible transplantation because they've put so much faith into their assumption that it doesn't have much of an affect on the procedure. The studies that have been conducted contradict this assumption. One publication that followed 6 Rh negative organ recipients who received Rh incompatible transplants reported; 3 out of 6 patients died of infectious complications or acute Graft Versus Host Disease. Of the 3 patients who survived, two had haemolysis and were transfusion dependent for a prolonged period of time. The third patient remained transfusion dependent 15 months after transplantation, this patient developed an autoantibody in addition to the D alloantibody. I found another publication that followed 29 Rh negative people who received Rh positive organs, 8 of 29 people died 2 months after the transplant surgery.
These publications may only report on a small group of people but it is obvious having an Rh incompatible transplant will cause serious complications and possibly even death. The possibility of death would cause people who are Rh negative to want to have Rh compatable transplants at any cost. I imagine these people wouldn't mind paying extra money to have as close of a perfect match as possible. Most people are registered donors. Even if you aren't a donor, upon death health care providers have no shame to ask your grieving loved ones to sign on the dotted line to donate your organs. It would be very interesting to see where all the donted organs go, I bet many of them are smuggled outside of the country to be sold for big money all over the world.
People who have Rh negative blood especially O negative blood are highly valued for their genetic material in the medical community. Research being conducted on Rh negative blood is responsible for revolutionary medical break throughs. The mainstream media is only beginning to report on the scientific research being conducted on Rh negative blood. The Advanced Cell Technology Centre in Massachusetts, US, and the University of Illinois have reported that they are currently extracting stem cells from 2 week old human embryos in order to make O negative blood. These embryos are "destroyed" following the experiment. So in order to make O negative blood they are killing what could've been a living breathing person. They are willing to admit to harvesting human embryos and growing them just to extract a small amount of stem cells. Dr. Robert Lanza, who is the lead researcher of this program has said "Embryonic stem cells represent a new source of cells that can be propagated and expanded indefinitely, providing a potential inexhaustible source of red blood cells for human therapy."
I find this type of medical research morally unethical. Dr.Lanza has not disclosed how he obtains the Rh negative human embryos. I also find it deeply disturbing that human life is started just to be snuffed out. If the mainstream is willing to admit to using human embryos and fetuses for scientific research, it is scary to think about the depravity that is going on in classified research programs. If multibillionaires or their loved ones were faced with a debilitating illness or death, they will and can use their money and power to do whatever it takes to heal themselves or prolong their lives, even if what they're doing could be considered crimes against humanity. The richest people of the world are looking for the elixir of life! They are chasing after immortality and if that means funding top secret research labs and abducting and killing people in order to live forever they will. There are many eye witness accounts of such research labs. Many people need to see in order to believe but some things you should never have to lay your eyes on!
There are agents living amoung us reporting to intelligence agencies. These agents typically work government jobs that hold some form of authority over the general public. If you're a Rh negative person and it seems that no matter how hard you try it always seems that you can't get a head in life it could be because you actually have people working against you. Let's say you are down and out and you have to seek government assistance but you are declined repeatedly this could be a ploy by an intelligence agency to try to make you commit suicide. Let's say you are suffering from depression because your life has been sabotaged, and no matter how hard you try to get help through mental health services you get no where this could be a ploy to get you to commit suicide. These are just a few common ways intelligence agencies target Rh negative people. This may seem unbelievable to some people but unless you yourself are a targeted individual you may never understand.
The NSA could track and monitor the tribe of Dan with relative ease because they know that the tribe of Dan have a distinct genetic marker, which is the Rh negative blood factor. People in western nations have mandatory blood tests whenever a new child is being brought into existence. The blood type of the child is recorded within a permanent medical record. These medical records are kept in a government owned electronic database. Anytime you visit an emergency room within a government run hospital or your very own family doctor, your medical history is logged into an electronic database under your health card number. So it would be very easy for the NSA to find and track all Rh negative individuals by accessing this electronic database.
The Rockefeller's are one of the 13 Illuminati families, they have been involved in funding contriversial medical research for well over 160 years. John D. Rockefeller, Sr. founded the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in 1901 in New York, US. During his lifetime he donated $530,853,63 to medical research alone. This is only the amount that can be traced. We probaly will never know true extent of his spending on medical research.
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John D. Rockefeller Sr. |
The Rockefeller foundation awarded $576,000 to the infamous Kaiser Wilhelm Institute between 1926 to 1929, this was a ridiculous amount of money for that time! The Rockefeller foundation helped fund the Nazi eugenics program, and even funded the program Josef Mengele "The Angel of Death" worked in before he went to Auschwitz. The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology and Eugenics in Berlin was given 9 thousand dollars over a 3 year period in 1932 by the Rockefeller Foundation to specifically research twins. We all have heard of the horror stories surrounding twin experimentation within the Nazi regime. Josef Megele performed twin to twin blood transfusions. I find this interesting because it shows that the elite of that time were very interested in blood. At that time it was a popular belief that human qualities and conditions such as talent and poverty were passed down through the blood. Imagine what people with these beliefs would have thought when they discovered the rare Rh negative blood factor, and that the white European race has this factor at a greater frequency than the rest of the human population! I imagine they would have wanted to know why this blood was so rare, and if these people possessed any special or rare attributes.
We will probaly never know what the twin research concluded. Most twins suffered excruciatingly painful medical experiments and were disposed of with a needle to the heart or a bullet to the back of the head. Their organs would then be collected and sent to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, along with the reports of all the grisly medical experiments that were performed, in order for the Rockefeller Foundation in America to be up to date on all the latest findings.
It is said the Josef Mengele perfected the art of mind control while at Aushwitz. He was believed to have been secretly recruited by the CIA shortly before WW2 came to an end to work as the head programmer of their mind control operation. He took on the alias of "Dr. Green". Many of the recruited Nazi Germany doctors took on names ending with colors such as; Doctor White, Black and Blue. All of these doctors worked on perfecting mind control programing and were trained by Josef Mengele. A lot of Mengeles mind control victims in Israel and other parts of the world still lovingly call him " Papa".
The mainstream media would have you believe he escaped to South America with all of his scientific research where he lived out his life in hiding, until he drowned off the coast of Brazil in 1979. There is no doubt that he was in South America. You do not have to look any further than Cândido Godói, a German settlement in South Brazil to find Mengeles presence. This is a municipality that is famously known for the high number of twins born there. The rate of twin births in this area is 10%, significantly higher than the less than 1% frequency of all of Brazil. Beginning in 1963 Josef Mengele attended the women of the settlement during their pregnancies under the alias " Rudulf Weiss", he also attended animals. He made claims to the local people that he could cause cattle to have twin births. These claims amazed the local people because at the time people didn't know such a thing could be possible. Mengele didn't arrive in this community til 1963 and only spent a few short years there. It is very possible that the countless eye witness accounts placing him all over the world practising the trade of trama based control are truthful.
Since the 1960's the screening process for Rh negative blood has been fully developed. In western nations all pregnant women are tested for Rh negative blood. If they are found to have Rh negative blood further screening is done to learn whether or not the baby being carried is Rh negative. If the fetus is Rh positive the mothers body will produce Rh antibodies after being exposed to the baby's Rh positive red blood cells. If the mother hasn't produced these antibodies the baby is Rh negative. Every child that is born has a blood type test administered. Every Rh negative child born is medically recorded. So it seems Rh negative people have been closely monitored since the 1960's. The elite of the world seem to think of Rh negative people as no more than lab rats, perfect candidates for trauma based mind control and other secret experimental programs. Rh negative people are used as slaves because they are easy to mentally break, and they possess rare DNA that many researches are interested in.
Today we can find countless mainstream researchers conducting studies on Rhesus negative blood, but most of these studies have been embargoed from the general public for several years. Only the researchers and the people funding the research are able to freely access this information. So it seems the general public will always be behind when it comes to the latest medical information and knowing what the implications of this research will have on mankind.
The disturbing medical research that was conducted the turn of the 19th century is now becoming easily accessible to the general public. We should look back on what the elite were doing secretly almost a century ago, and realise that they've continued their unethical research and they are doing it on a far greater scale then ever before. Horrifying medical experiments funded by the elite are being conducted around the world as I write this article. We must remember that the doctors and medical researchers of Nazi Germany received the funding to conduct their beastly experiments from wealthy American foundations such as the Rockefeller foundation. The defense of many of the doctors during the Nuremberg Trials was that they only did what the American instsitutes funded them to do. Many of these doctors were condemned to death, while their American counterparts, like John D. Rockefeller Jr who was the chairman of the Rockefeller foundation at that time, were never made to answer to their crimes against humanity. This man and his empire were never brought to justice. He continued on his path to global domination, and succesfully passed on the reins to the next generation.
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John D. Rockefeller Jr. |
The experiments conducted during Nazi Germany is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the crimes against humanity that the Rockefeller family has committed. Since WW2 this mighty family has only grown in wealth and power. For several generations this elite family has conspired to bring about a new world order. They helped fund the scientific research needed to create mind controlled slaves. They needed these slaves to infiltrate the positions of power within the government of all the Western nations in order to have full control of the most powerful countries. The plan of the 13 Illuminati families is to have full control of the world through a one world government. Rh negative people have been used as political puppets by the Illuminati empire to further their goal of world domination.
We are now living in the age of information. People are beginning to realize the world's wealthiest people are in full control of how our countries are run and that these wealthy people have their own plans for the future of humanity. Democracy is a sham and elections are fraudulent scams. People are globally connected like never before by communication. It's very easy for large numbers of people to share and gain information. The internet has given independent news programs a cost effective way to broadcast to large numbers of people. People are turning to alternative media for truthful unbiased news and are shying away from the corrupt mainstream media. Before the internet people had to rely on traditional mainstream newspapers, and televised news programs to learn about current world events. Most people relied on a single news station to gain all of their information. They had to trust those news programs report unbiased truthful information. Think of how easy it would be to deceive the masses and sway public opinion if you controlled all of the major information sources. Well let's see what the elite have to say on this subject;
"We are grateful to the Washington post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to March towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries." - David Rockefeller, speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany.
Notice how He used the pronouns "We, us, and our", he is speaking for all of the elite brotherhood. It's as if these people have a hive mind! I've pointed out how blantant the their plan is for world domination and how close they are to realizing their goal in order for you to get a better understanding of how far their money reaches within the worlds current system. Let's move on to the fact that these same elite family's, who were caught funding Nazi Germany's beastly eugenics programs, have continued their murderous scientific research right up to the present day. We know in order for the elite to conduct the scientific research they are interested in they need humans, lots and lots of humans. Preferably white, blond haired, blue eyed humans!! As I write this article people are being abducted right under our noses. I feel that if we look to the missing people of North America they will shed some light on the elites present day human experimentation programs.
A man by the name of David Paulides has been researching the mysterious disappearances of people in National parks, and urban areas. David has a research project called Missing 411, he began this project full time when he was doing some research at a national park, and was approached by an off duty forest ranger. This ranger knew of David's background as a investigative journalist, he wanted to disclose to David his concern about the strange nature of some of the missing person cases which occur in the national parks. The ranger asked David if he would look into the missing persons cases to see if he could come up with any leads as to what or who is causing these people to go missing. Ever since the discussion David had with this forest ranger, he has been investigating missing person cases.
David now believes he has uncovered an active cover up surrounding the national park disappearances. He found evidence that proves all levels of law enforcement, and the government have been beyond negligent in keeping track of all the missing people, and the continuous series of disappearances from the U.S., Canada, and other parts of the world. David requested information from the National Park Service (NPS) under the Freedom of Information Act about the missing persons, he was told that there weren't any records. David kept pushing to try to get information about the national park disappearances, by law because he is a published author he is entitled to an exemption from any fees associated with obtaining the records from the NPS. Later, on an attorney representing the NPS called David and questioned him on why he wanted the information, then the attorney told him that NPS would not waive the fee associated with obtaining the records because Davids' books weren't popular enough. Due to this the attorney told him if he wanted the records from Yosemite National Park, it would cost him $34,000, and if he wanted records from all of the national parks, it would cost $1.4 million. The records that David requested and was told did not exist apparently cost over a million dollars to obtain. It is clear that the government does not want this information out.David has also begun investigating disappearances in populated urban areas. He has found odd reoccurring similarities between the disappearances, so much so he has been able to come up with a profile. I will outline some of the details included in David's profile;
- The victims are college aged men (usually between 18-24, although one was 31);
- The victims are usually top scholars and athletic. Many are attending university on athletic scholarships;
- The victims are mainly white, and of German descent;
- The victims are often religious;
- The victims typically disappear in the fall or winter months while attending school;
- The victims often disappear on or around holidays such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's;
- Prior to disappearing the victims are often attending a party, bar, or other populated public place; where they are usually seen being approached by strangers, either individuals or groups of people, including women;
- While at the bar the victim appears to get intoxicated very fast, faster than usual;
- At some point while at a bar, party, ecr the victims become separated from their friends;
- The victims tend to et off on foot in odd directions, ie. Away from home;
- The victims disappear without any witnesses, and their disappearances are never caught on security cameras;
- The victims are generally reported missing very quickly;
- The victims go missing for a period of time, while others are never found;
- During the search for the victim search/cadaver dogs are often unable to track a scent. It's been speculated that the victims may have been transported by vehicles;
- A few victims are found unconscious or barely conscious, and are unable to recollect what happened to them;
- The victims are most often found dead in a body of water;
- The victims are often missing shoes and/or other articles of clothing;
- The area where the victim is found is often searched extensively numerous times prior to finding the victim. It's as if the victim just appears out of no where
- The victims are found to have GHB the "date rape" drug in their systems;
- The victims bodies tend to not show signs of trauma or typical signs of a struggle.;
- The victims bodies show no sign of foul play and coroners tend to have a hard time finding the cause of death;
- The FBI and other agencies such as the Green Berets Special Forces of the United States Army show up to investigate some of these cases even before there is any evidence of a crime;
- people who do witness something strange related to the disappearance are usually questioned by FBI and other agencies but their testimony is never found in the official report.
I believe these deaths and disappearances are caused by intelligence agencies who are working with the military on classified programs. I believe the people are being abducted to see whether they are suitable for recruitment. The ones who aren't suitable are found dead or barely alive, and the ones who are suitable will never be seen again. Why else would they be targeting young male students of German descent, who are highly intelligent and/or extremely athletic. David has found geographical clusters where the disappearances are occurring. What I find interesting is there seems to be a correlation between where the disappearances are occurring and where known military bases are located.
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Map of known military bases. |
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Map of missing persons clusters. Do you notice how both maps have an area down the middle of the map where there aren't any recorded missing persons or any military bases? |
Once you carefully compare maps you find many perplexing coincidences. It's seems all of the missing person clusters are near military bases. Since we know where the disappearances are happening, we can use geoprofiling to locate the base of the abductors. A criminal who commits a series of crimes does so in a particular pattern. The criminal does not want to get caught (even if the criminals are government agencies), so they choose locations a good distance from their permanent residence/base. However the criminal also want to have easy access to the crime location. So the crime location will not be to far from the residence/base of the criminal. With these ideas in mind, if we know where the criminal is committing his crimes, we can construct a model of his "buffer zone," inside of which he does not commit crime. With high probability, most of his crimes will lie just outside the buffer zone. The key to this model's usefulness is working in reverse:we want to figure out where a criminals residence is from the locations of his crimes. Since we already know where the disappearances are occuring, we may optimize a search for the offenders residence.
I'm going to end this article now. It's taken me forever to complete this write up. Every time I would bring it up to work on I would find large pieces of information missing. Every time I finished writing a paragraph I would always save. To combat this problem I would write my article using my own program, than copy and paste my work over to blogger. I find it strange that I haven't had this issue with any of my other posts til this one. Anyways I hope you found this article interesting. I enjoyed researching the topic. I plan to continue researching this topic. Anything new I learn will be added to this post. Please feel free to comment below anything you may know or may have experienced pertaining to Rh negative monitoring. Thank you for your time!
Thank you very much. Being a targeted person myself I can verify that the same things happen to myself when it comes to, my life being sabotaged, I'm gang stalked as well as my video evidence and other damning evidence disappears from my devices. Making others believe I'm crazy is what they have been doing to me. My wife and I used our pinewood in the exact same way and it so happens that my phone seemed like it was from another planet lol
ReplyDeleteGood news this is to everyone out there with different health challenges, as I know there are still a lot of people suffering from different health issues and are therefore looking for solutions. I bring you Good news. There is a man called Dr ehiaguna a herbal practitioner who helped cure me from HSV (2), i had suffered from this diseases for the past 5 years and i have spent so much money trying to survive from it. I got my healing by taking the herbal medicine Dr ehiaguna sent to me to drink for about 14 days . 3 days after completion of the dosage, I went for a medical checkup and I was tested free from HSV. all thanks to God for leading me to Dr ehiaguna who was able to cure me completely from this deadly diseases, I’m sharing this so that other people can know of this great healer called Dr ehiaguna because I got to know him through elizabeth who he cured from HIV. I was made to understand that he can cure several other deadly diseases and infections. Don’t die in ignorance or silent and don’t let that illness take your life. Contact Dr ehiaguna through his email You can also whatsapp/call him on:+2348073908953 .He cure all forms of disease {1}HIV/AIDS {2}DIABETES {3}EPILEPSY {4} BLOOD CANCER {5} HPV {6} BRAIN TUMOR {7} HEPATITIS {8}COPD{9} SICKLE AND ANAEMIA.etc Be kind enough to share as you received.
DeleteI was brought here as a baby from the UK for a US breeding program and held hostage in the USA for experiments and torture. I'm certain my bloodline is the only reason for my lack of freedom. The FBI made fake drug trafficking charges to deport me without my even knowing i wasn't a US citizen. I was also not told of my shadow deportation. That places you in GTMO jurisdiction so anytime I sued they would throw out the cases. I wonder how many others are kept as fugitives in Rikers Island or GTMO on paper only but lack standing to sue the perpetrators for harassment. They track RH null,, RH negative and There are a few others. I tried looking for my parents on 23 and me and the next day, my military cousins found me on that profile. It's been ongoing. They won't give me my alien file so I can go home. Why too is International Committee of the Red Cross the only agency allowed to visit GTMO detainees? I believe they are only detained for the worth of their blood and genetics. Thank you for your research.
DeleteAm jeremiah, I am testifying about a great hebal man that cured my wife of hepatitis B and liver cirhosis. his name is Dr oniha. My wife was diagnose of hepatities two years ago, i almost spent all i had then, until i saw dr oniha recommendation online, and i call him, then he told me how to get the herb. You can call him on +2347089275769 or email him at
The NEGATIVE rh negative factor blood type are not the NEPHLIUM giants. None of them was. They are really the RHESES positive blood type not fully human. Genesis 3:15. God came into the women Mary to give the woman her seed that crushed the head of the snake, revelation b12:3 to 16. Satan is there to devour the babies as soon as it is born. YouTube google is lying
DeleteNot one of the NEPHLIUM giants was a negative rh negative blood type. YouTube google is lying we tested thousands
DeleteSpecial thanks to Dr.omobhude for helping me get cured from Lupus disease and fibromyalgia, I was tested Positive last 5 months, I contacted him base on the testimonies I'm seeing about him on the Internet, I was cured too by him, this herbal Doctor is capable to heal anything,
Delete1. Fibroid
2. Asthma
3. Diabetes 1/2
4. Cancer stage 1/3
5. Hepatitis B
6. Herpes
7. HPV
kindly contact him today through you can also add Dr.omobhude on WhatsApp +2349050360605 ( he can help you
Natural herbs have cured so many illnesses that drugs and injection cant cure. I've seen the great importance of natural herbs and the wonderful work they have done in people's lives. I read testimonies online on how they were cured of herpes, HIV, diabetics and a lot more by Dr okosun herbal medicine, so I decided to contact the doctor because I know nature has the power to heal anything. I was diagnosed with herpes for the past 5 years but Dr okosun cured me with his herbs and I referred my aunt and her husband to him immediately because they were both suffering from herpes and they were cured too .I know this is hard to believe but I'm a living testimony. There is no harm trying herbs.Contact Dr okosun: drokosun55@gmail .com
DeletePhone/Whatsapp: +2348124363791
It's a miracle that I'm alive today. I encountered HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS (HSV1/2) for good four (4) years, before I met the great Dr.okosun. I am Leslie Jordan from Fresno, California, United State of America and I was infected with the herpes virus. Herpes is a viral infection caused by the Herpes simplex virus, marked by painful, watery blisters in the skin or mucous membrane or on the genitals. This was what I suffered for good four years. I have visited CVS Pharmacy in Fresno for treatment but no improvement. I met Dr. Okosun online while I was searching for herpes cure. I read lots of testimony about his work. I give a try that now becomes a testimony in my life, I'm now fully cured. Kindly contact Dr okosun via WhatsApp +2348124363791
Deleteor email him on drokosun55@gmail. com
I know there are lots of people out there suffering from various diseases and infections, why don't you contact dr okosun today and get cured just as i did, dr okosun brought peace and happiness back to my life and gave me a second chance to life and i will always testify about his good work.
Things that happen to no other human being. Stories that could be told
ReplyDeleteI just want to let the world know how true and real is the illuminati brotherhood.
ReplyDeleteBrothers and sisters, John Poel is my name and I reside in California USA. I was born into a very poor family and my parents hardly feed. So I was opportuned to meet a very wealthy man who promised to help me. He gave me his complimentary card and at the due time I called him. He told me to meet him up in his office which I did, and he Said if I have heard of Illuminati before I told his yes, then he asked me what I know about the group I told him and he said if I would love to be one of them that I will become as rich as he is if I join. So I accepted because I really want my life to change for the better. So he introduced me and I was initiated into the brotherhood of illuminati and since then my life have changed for the better as I am now a millionaire. Please if you are out there and have been looking for the right link to join the illuminati, this is an opportunity for you to be part of us and become extremely rich. Please note that to join is totally free of charge you don’t pay a dine to join. Join now and change your life for the better. To become a member, email us directly on ( You are all welcome.8vi9yu
I have always felt I was very special, especially in my younger years, when I was real young the age of 2 to 9 maybe, other kids said they wanted to be Dr etc when they grew up, me I said I wanted to be a nun, or an angel how odd now that I think about it but my life had been wild as in not what others feel but they act, I acted but I was not like them not even close!! I knew my father, and I actually called him my dad was Good, bit every turn I make never gets me anywhere except people love me, everyone falls in love with me men or women, so I feel nothing is real, I'm not real just disasterous!!!! I'm very strong and want to be who I feel,
DeleteGod I meant,, he I really called my dad that's how I know him, but yes I'm rh neg and I'm seeing people that die before they do, they come to my spiritual room before they pass, the last one stayed 3 days and my ex can confirm his mom's passing but exactly the hrs she came to see me when he wasn't with her at the nursing home, I had to excuse myself from my family to spend that time in my room with her, it wasn't strange to them because they'd seen this happen in the past with mr
DeleteI want to be comfortable before I die, I think for all I've been through in deserve something
ReplyDeleteMy husband had MND ALS, first symptom was weakness in his fingers, one day, we had a dream life with early retirement and then, when we went to find out about the weakness, our whole world almost changed. There are so many things that can be said abt the suffering and frustration of people with ALS, we look back now and realize in many ways how lucky we were to found Multivitamin herbal cure that was able to get rid of my husband ALS disease totally, we had time to enjoy life and above all we all had time to also share this great testimony , many people lose loved ones without closure. I can’t imagine going thru all that you or your family had to live with daily, do not hesitate to contact w w w multivitamincare .org for ALS cure.❤💙💚
DeleteI deserve some comfort
ReplyDeleteWho am I really?
ReplyDeleteI have so many things wrong but I still survive
ReplyDeleteI hope someone finds me
ReplyDeleteI know I'm here for something so let's do this why do I suffer or just get by, I'm ready I don't care anymore, I just want a small cabin on the mountain by myself, I'm to different to be around others
ReplyDeleteI feel the same. I am not RH negative, but my husband was born out of a RH negative mom. I am sick of living where I am, since neighbors moved in all around us, and feel targeted here.
DeleteI see seone going to respond
ReplyDeleteIs someone going to respond?
ReplyDeleteAsk our Father to reveal all Truth to you and you will be set free, find peace and know who you are in Him.
DeleteHello, my name is Kate I collected this information and wrote this blog. I'm wondering what you would like to know.
ReplyDeleteI have a son who is 16 months old. I've been very busy with him and working a full time job to provide for him and my family. I haven't written anything new for a while due to the lack of time I have.
DeleteWas there not a ton of comments from years back? What happened to them? B negative here
How are you doing through these CV19 era troubles?
DeleteDo you think there are connections to your article and CV19/WEF-Illuminati plans?
l am o negative blood and strange things happen all my life, how l would love some success it is time, love and peace juliette xxx
ReplyDeleteSame here. I negative and my life has been non stop hunted by mason/illuminati and other organizations. It is not pleasant but to be sought after that much proves you are special. Hang in there...
DeleteWu tang forever
ReplyDeletehappy Born Day
ReplyDeleteInteresting article ty. I would like to re-publish it if you don't mind at my website. This is the address below. I will add a small editorial comment as well to connect a few other dots to some other information I have as well. If you are interested just leave a comment there or email me. Thanks
I dont mind if you're still interested.
DeleteI am stalked, poisoned, falsly arrested, put in mental hospitals, denied bank accounts, phones, housing, I have weird numbers and letters on my skin, I have skin lesions, my leg is deformed, my cars are always manipulated, the family that raised me whom I believed was my biological family is not they just housed me and when I turned 36 my life drastically turned for the worst. I am for sure under government watch and torture down to the man I've been with for 9 years. I have went to the FBI in 2 states both asked me why me, and who was I. To than tell me I needed mental health. I remember as a little girl being able to see from standing on a platform over water I could see all the way to the bottom. I could seriously walk a fish to the banks and get it. I didn't know the pyschic abilities until I was fully submerged with my attacks. I have video of a Chattanooga, TN police officer attacking me with a big drone from across my street, and the only way I know he was there is my in concious told me. I have so many many terribly wrong accounts of things, with lots of it being filmed. I turned to documenting everything because no one or anything was helping me. Everyone surrounded by me is against me and yes they are trying to kill me. The Dr. The lie they come in my room in groups, it's very scary what's happening to me and I'm alone and have no friends be to go to law is involved. It's a crime what I'm being subjected to and there flat out trying to kill me.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your post. I too realized my physic and mental abilities while under attack. I can communicate telepathically in addition to seeing events to come in the future. From a spiritual aspect, darkness wants to kill us for the light we possess. Although painful times, their hands are tied from truly harming us. Actually, the more they torture us, the more they awaken our powers. Hang in there fam!
DeleteIt would work well for you to stop seeing yourself as so different and romantsizing a tragic drama filled existence. We are all unique in our own way. You are creating a self full filling prophecy by calling negative energy to yourself. Stop living through the ego. Love unconditionally, and learn to be a beacon of light for others. Give all glory and thanks to the most high. Are you not sick of being so self absorbed? Learn to tap into positive energy to help heal yourself and make a difference in the universe, the world, and manifest a better brighter tomorrow for yourself and all of us. Rewrite your story with a bright positive ending. I believe in you and you can make the change and resonate your beauty from within. Until then, stay out of National Parks. Joking.
DeleteI don't understand why people who tell others to be a beacon of light are themselves coming off as a black hole. This person is obviously going through something horrifying and you felt the need to be self righteous. I just love reading the comments left on my blog. Many are desperate troubled souls seeking answers, others are light hearted and curious. Than we have close minded people who feel the need to spew negativity. I have become very busy with my life and have not had time to finish any further writing. What I do have in store for future posts will be extremely interesting and to most unbelievable and I know it will get shit on. I don't care though because for the people like me who have experienced the truly paranormal this world has to offer it will be satisfying and humbling to read. To know you are not alone. Also since uploading my research I have had very little interference with my personal life from government officials. I am still being monitored but I have been free to raise my family and live my life how I see fit. Before making this blog I could not gain any traction in my life due to people sabotaging everything I attempted to do. It could be a coincidence who knows. I know for a fact my blog gets more hits than Google analytics currently says. I know that if I were to continue writing I would have a huge reach. This I believe has spared me. I do not delete any comments except for spam. Illumunati and Snake oil posts. For some reason no matter how many times I report them they continue to land in my comment section. The comment section had many amazing posts. When Google+ came to an end all of the comments related to that site were deleted. Even though I haven't uploaded anything since 2016 my blog continues to get comments. I find the comments to be just as interesting as the articles. It adds so much energy. I eventually will upload more. I just need down time.
DeleteHi Kate, please write to my email;
With note; KATE
so I know is you.
My name is xiong vang my people are the hmongs from South ease Asia I came here during the Viet Nam war. We are just tribal people living up the mountains surrounded by Laos Cambodia and Vietnam. We are stuck up that mountain surrounded by busist while we were worshiping a sperit. For about five years now I gotten devorced and started feeling that I'm being followed but I didnt care I've gotten bathise and started folling God then I started hearing a high pitch ring and feeling strange emotions. There's been many people folling me so I began my own research. I don't know if I am rh negative but I've seen 24 pilllar and an eclipse and a crimson light came I to me while feeling love coming into me on a day where there was suppose to be two eclipse it was on Easter sunday. Then I drove across America got into a car reck going 120mph and came out without a scratch. Did some time and lurn things about the bible. Came out and it continue the emotions. So I left my home Georgia and went to Minnesota took a DNA test 23and me I don't know if they lied or what but I found out I am halpogroup A and L my A side goes back 275k years my L 180k. Now that I look at my life it seemed just like yours I feel like Truman in that Jim carry movie. I have been through so much but I feel yes rh negative should or should not be too open. There are lots of ignorant people out there people afrade or hatefull people. Thanks for your page tho. I see now that most wars in history has its own hidden agenda, that we are all apart of a grand design I just pray that Jesus comes back and the good guys win.
ReplyDeleteMy name is xiong vang my people are the hmongs from South ease Asia I came here during the Viet Nam war. We are just tribal people living up the mountains surrounded by Laos Cambodia and Vietnam. We are stuck up that mountain surrounded by busist while we were worshiping a sperit. For about five years now I gotten devorced and started feeling that I'm being followed but I didnt care I've gotten bathise and started folling God then I started hearing a high pitch ring and feeling strange emotions. There's been many people folling me so I began my own research. I don't know if I am rh negative but I've seen 24 pilllar and an eclipse and a crimson light came I to me while feeling love coming into me on a day where there was suppose to be two eclipse it was on Easter sunday. Then I drove across America got into a car reck going 120mph and came out without a scratch. Did some time and lurn things about the bible. Came out and it continue the emotions. So I left my home Georgia and went to Minnesota took a DNA test 23and me I don't know if they lied or what but I found out I am halpogroup A and L my A side goes back 275k years my L 180k. Now that I look at my life it seemed just like yours I feel like Truman in that Jim carry movie. I have been through so much but I feel yes rh negative should or should not be too open. There are lots of ignorant people out there people afrade or hatefull people. Thanks for your page tho. I see now that most wars in history has its own hidden agenda, that we are all apart of a grand design I just pray that Jesus comes back and the good guys win.
ReplyDeleteMy name is xiong vang my people are the hmongs from South ease Asia I came here during the Viet Nam war. We are just tribal people living up the mountains surrounded by Laos Cambodia and Vietnam. We are stuck up that mountain surrounded by busist while we were worshiping a sperit. For about five years now I gotten devorced and started feeling that I'm being followed but I didnt care I've gotten bathise and started folling God then I started hearing a high pitch ring and feeling strange emotions. There's been many people folling me so I began my own research. I don't know if I am rh negative but I've seen 24 pilllar and an eclipse and a crimson light came I to me while feeling love coming into me on a day where there was suppose to be two eclipse it was on Easter sunday. Then I drove across America got into a car reck going 120mph and came out without a scratch. Did some time and lurn things about the bible. Came out and it continue the emotions. So I left my home Georgia and went to Minnesota took a DNA test 23and me I don't know if they lied or what but I found out I am halpogroup A and L my A side goes back 275k years my L 180k. Now that I look at my life it seemed just like yours I feel like Truman in that Jim carry movie. I have been through so much but I feel yes rh negative should or should not be too open. There are lots of ignorant people out there people afrade or hatefull people. Thanks for your page tho. I see now that most wars in history has its own hidden agenda, that we are all apart of a grand design I just pray that Jesus comes back and the good guys win.
ReplyDeleteWhen speaking of genetic memory I have worked out this belief a long time ago and when people talk of past life regression the this is merely genetic momory
ReplyDeleteYesss... I hold that same view. Glad to see someone else talk about this. I do not believe in past lives either. I do sense many things of old though.. I have sought the Lord on this and when I read about genetic memories and the monarch project re monarch butterflies, it resonated w me as well.
Delete(I am entering this reply in two parts, for it is too long)
DeleteFor many, many years, I (B-) believed in my "past lives." I had practiced meditation to some degree, and having a mental stillness led to the ability to have brief, emotional glimpses of apparent past lives; that seemed to explain my current-day psychological issues. I would process them over time, doing a lot of crying. The memories and emotions felt very personal. There was no doubt in my mind they were legitimately my past lives.
Then a few years ago, my spiritual pursuits led me to a teaching that there are no past lives, as we understand them at this time. (At a certain high stage of soul evolution we may choose to return, but very few spirits are at that point yet.)
Many so-called sensations of past lives are indeed the lives of spirits who are attached to us. This may be random spirits (of those who have passed, that is), or your guides. Some people have attached spirits from birth, who tried to "reincarnate" through us. This explains the phenomenon of children who seem to be able to talk in detail about their "past lives" or who seem to have the wisdom of an "old soul." …It is actually the SPIRIT ATTACHED TO THEM. So—you could say it is a form of possession.
A more obvious example of this is the Dalai Lama. A spirit who was already incarnated in the past as the Dalai Lama attaches to a newborn boy. So, through the child, the spirit is able to point out the physical items of the previous Dalai Lama, which is part of the test given to a young child who is suspected of being the next Dalai Lama.
I used to have apparent spontaneous knowledge as well, but when I eventually contemplated and accepted the truth of this spirit attachment concept, I indeed one day felt the subtle sensation of a spirit leaving me. I felt he had been with me a long time—perhaps my entire life. I believe he indeed had tried to "reincarnate" through my body, at birth. Spirits are drawn to us who are of similar personality or emotions, in some way… and indeed, their personality subtly influences the person they are attracted to. …You can thus perhaps understand how people might believe that certain memories and thoughts they have are their own, when in fact they are those of a spirit who is with you. ...This is very subtle; and generally not by intentionally malignant spirits. It is not like a “demon” in the Exorcist taking over. …Most people have NO idea there are spirits with them.
This is knowledge that will not be understood and accepted for some time, I believe. Spirit influence, whether subtle or severe, is very, very pervasive.
(See Pt. 2 post)
(Pt. 2 of my reply)
DeleteBut as well, there is this concept of ancestral memory being passed down. This includes certain ways of viewing the world, including prejudices,.. and perhaps exceptional psychic abilities, as Kate's article here suggests.
I had recently already been working on this subtle area—processing and releasing what seems to be such 'tribal' memories and tendencies in my personality. Releasing grief that indeed feels as if I am purging something that has come down through the family line, on my mother's side, specifically. My mother's (who is AB-) ancestry (Scottish, English, Irish, a bit of French) was very concentrated in New Brunswick, Canada, some branches for 200 years by the time of her birth. (I noticed a reply from Kate, that she is in Eastern Canada.) A few clans interbred and stayed in the general area over many generations.
Perhaps my current focus on healing my ancestral spiritual inheritance is what unconsciously drew me back to looking at the Rh- phenomenon yesterday. Coming upon this article, I see a few concepts that are new to me. While I have certainly studied the concept of a “founding” alien race/ fallen angels mating with man, etc., the monarch butterfly connection and the story of the Tribe of Dan is new to me.
Just reading through this article stimulated some more tears. Who knows who I am crying for? Did some ancestor endure being taken advantage of for his/her psychic sensitivities?
Reading here again about fallen angels, and now with my sense of there being a possible racial, or Rh-, memory, … what came to mind was one of the “past life” “memories” I once had, in which I felt I was an “angel.” In the brief scene I perceived, I, as the angel, was kneeling over what seemed to be a supine human, ministering aid of some kind. I felt it was in the spirit realm. I, as the angel, had a tiny niggling thought of resentment, … a wee thought that I'd like to be in charge. In the very next moment, I perceived myself as a certain Biblical king on earth.
So, ...what is truly going on? Are these spirits who are hanging around me and whose lives I am tuning in to? Could one or more of them be my current spirit guides? Or am I tuning in to my own ancestral memory of the actual beings who “fell” from the spirit realm to mate with man? Is it both? (It is thought that at least some of your spirit guides are indeed your own ancestors.)
Anyway, … it is obvious that we won't unravel the entire truth about this for a while.
Thanks for adding some pieces to the puzzle, with this article, Kate.
True seeker,
DeletePlease write to my email:
I have some experiences to share with you.
Past life regression is merely genetic memory
ReplyDeletePleased you are well now. In actual fact I did read somewhere that people with Rh neg blood group could not contract HIV Whether this is true I.m not ecactly sure
ReplyDeleteInteresting but still missing hard cold facts. Anyone can write a story.
ReplyDeleteGod is angry about the treatment of his people because people threaten to kill them so God has sent a planetary system that is upon us right now everything is synchronised so my death would cause all death on earth no flesh saved this is Gods reaction to the people of earth being all evil and the treatment of his pure hearted people some ofthe people involved know of what is going tohappen to them but they wont give up becausse they worship satan and satan hates humans because he llost everything when he refused to worship them so he wants us all dead and i think its pretty obvious God feels the same way so i pray for a miracle bbefore its too late thats where we are at right now so pray hard for salvation from this situation
ReplyDeleteI'm with you. There are the end times and something huge is coming on the great whore called mystery Babylon. Stay Blessed!
DeleteWell you called that didn't you? I noted the day of your post November of 2019. A few months before the World started to unravel visionally for all people to see and begin to take notice. Nice work, be blessed!
DeleteIts a long story so i just got strait to the point i have an incredible personal story about my life but im not going to reveal anything because of the content and many people know whoi am anyway so i will sick to the story i wrote for you i just hope the right people understand it becauuse all our lives are at stake God bless you all
ReplyDeleteO negative here. I have been stalked and harassed all my life. I served in the military. I am continuously being monitored to this day. The torture has managed to "activate" super powers I never thought imaginable. It seems like they harder they try, the stronger my powers get. A pain in the butt as times but I wouldn't change it. Being telepathic, know certain future events, seeing auras it definitely worth it. The life of a servant...
ReplyDeletePlease be very careful about spells. It could be from demons.
ReplyDeleteGalatians 5:19-21
19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
King James Version (KJV)
God forgives all who repent because His Son Jesus Christ died for sinners.
Confess your sins to God through Jesus Christ as the Holy Bible asks you to do. 1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
It may seem like you are ok. Your partner came back but this could be a deceptive happinness. Anyone who seeks to control others by evil forces may very well have the same evil forces "turn on them" if they fail to continue to supply those forces with ongoing obedience or loyalty. Possibly,they could then apply afflictions to "keep" your loyalty. I would run like mad from witchcraft, practise of magic arts and spells lest you end up tangled up and unable to leave,
This has been said in love to all people.
May the Love of God through faith in Jesus Christ be yours. May God protect you from all evil. Amen.
I am O Rhesus negative, 50 years old, Grafton NSW Australia, Ever since I can remember I have experienced the paranormal, I also have had very strange things happen to me, I have had been followed and my accounts hacked ,I use to think it was from certain members of my family that abused me when I was a child, but now I'm not so sure ,altogether I have had breast cancer and ovarian, I did not need chemo, just raiditiom treatment, I do heal fast
ReplyDeleteThank you
Thank you. Very interesting. Also verified by the creepy illuminati recruiters.
ReplyDeleteI am Rh negative and for years I have been told that I didn't know what I was talking about because I didn't think about it for a long time. In 1969 my father dies of a brain tumor while I was in Wisconsin. I asked if he had a rain tumor which I knew he had and where he had it before the doctors identified it as a rare form of cancer that had taken over his entire cerebellum. When I am around someone who is hurting I can feel their emotions and should I hear someone talking to someone I get a gut feeling that I need to be there. Most of the time my gut feeling is correct like when I knew 6 miles away that I needed to be at a cousins house. It turned out that I did because a daughter of hers had tried to kill herself and I had to call people to get them to the hospital and be sure that her other two siblings were safe while the parents were gone. Again about 20 miles away I knew from a conversation that a friend of my dead wife's was in trouble and told my wife to go to her home. we did and it turned that her bipolar friend had tried to kill herself. When we got there we discovered that my feelings were right.
ReplyDeleteThe more you realize these things and stay in a place of truth and authenticity, the more things will come. When you look back on events for instance that you may have been lied to or deceived? You will probably begin to realize you always knew the truth. Quiet your mind in situations of chaos and you'll realize You Always Know. Trust it..
DeleteI had the same thing happen one time with a neighbor who was going to kill himself. I found out later that he told my husband if I hadn't stopped by he would not be alive, as he had a gun in his hand when I knocked on his door, and hid it under a pillow before opening the door...but I am not RH Negative. My husband was born to a RH Negative mom, and he has always felt different. I have been researching everything I can about it, thus found this site. I have been married to him for almost 40 years. I always sensed he was different, but couldn't put a finger on it. One day he told me he had no inner monologue. (Can't hear his thoughts in words). That blew my mind. I have been looking ever since to find a connection to being RH negative. Still nothing connecting it. I still can't see how he thinks or even reads. He told me he has always known he was different, but refuses to get "spiritual" or believe he is from fallen angel bloodlines. He seems empty to me...not affectionate, he would rather watch tv then have a conversation with a human....It has been a tough life with him. Can't connect.
DeleteThanks for all the time and energy you put into this very well done article. I concur with all of it. My public campaign is to expose and stop these horrible crimes against humanity. I was blessed with mountains of evidence to corroborate the connections you make, especially concerning mkultra, project paperclip, RH negative blood and psychic ability. May the power of humanity and the truth bless us all with courage, remedy, resolve, truth and compensation. Thanks again.,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment. I love what you are doing. I'm on the east coast of Canada. I would have loved to come to your match. Maybe someday.
DeleteI have been "voice To Skulled", hit with "arificial anxiety pulse generated technologies,became suicidal,my career sabotaged,countless paranormal experiences, visitations, suffered tremendously with anxiety, depression that was never alliviated by mainstream medical and counselling modes of treatment. i am an 0 negative blooof Celtic heretage
ReplyDeleteI am sorry you have gone through this. I do know there is tremendous power in the name of Jesus. Use it and believe it with your heart. The entities flee at the very name.
DeleteI am a devout follower of Jesus Christ and have loved Him since I was a young girl. He died for me and my sins and yours. He said to believe in Him and you will receive life and a life with abundance. I have had unusual experiences my whole life. I had premonitions and quite a few electrical experiences. I am empathetic and love deeply. I have also hurt deeply, much trauma as a child but I have always felt protected by some unseen force. In my early 40s, I received a series of unusual letters in the mail that appeared international promising riches, fame, etc. In my spirit, I sensed something unusual and unsettling about them, very personal to me, no return address and promising all the earthly dreams a person could ever want. My whole life I felt like a loser, traumatic childhood (sexual abuse by several male family members), mentally ill mom that I cared for for 25 yrs, loss of my only sibling at 20, which ultimately led to drug, alcohol, food addictions, bad relationships, teen motherhood, no money, success etc. I felt like a failure by the worlds standards. I did manage to meet a man who cared for me financially while I got my life right but I knew he wasn't the answer to my internal healing. He only loved me the way an imperfect man could love. I wanted authentic and unconditional love. I wanted to be self sufficient no leaning on any human to care me fiscally so as not to give my power to another. This letter was like a dream come true. Something in my spirit didn't feel right though. I kept the letters hidden for a few months. When I got the final letter though I knew something was wrong. I was instructed that to be initiated into this special secret society, I simply had to sit on the floor, draw a pentagram around me, cite some incantations and do some strange rituals with items and wham I would be initiated. I knew then it was a spiritual invitation kind of like Jesus had in the 40 days in the desert with Lucifer promising him all the kingdoms of the earth. It is real folks. Turn away. The closer I got to Jesus the more the temptations came. I was on my own Road to Emmaus to finally meet Jesus. I had gotten completely clean, fit, right in body, mind and spirit which took an insurmountable amount of will, discernment of the Holy Spirit within me, and intimate walk with Christ through regular spiritual practice, Bible study and Church attendance. Hindsight I realized it was all a test. Incidentally I was born of the Holy Spirit just a few years afterwards. Its a supernatural life. Now I walk hand in hand with Jesus. The question begs "Who will you serve when the Lord returns"? Jesus Kingdom or the earthly kingdom / Mammon ruled by the Prince of this Word, the powers and principalities of this earthly domain? Jesus said His Kingdom is not of this Earth. I believe Him. So should you. I also met Jesus in spirit. It was my dream come true. He is real folks. He is pure, gleaning white light and love. He is waiting for you to come to Him in faith. He wants to dwell in your heart and your temple (body) so you can life life abundantly in His love to share with others. BELIEVE...
ReplyDeleteHello, friend
DeleteI have a similar background to yours. I have also met Jesus in the dream world. It was so bright the air bent around Him like a mirage. It's fascinating how many people with spiritual ability are centering around the concept of Rhesus Factor. It would be interesting to make a Discord group to share ideas.
Thank you for sharing. Jesus brought me to the foot of the Cross as he suffered and than surrounded me with his love. It literally took my breath away. I don't know if there is a connection with Rh-. I am not convinced about the Rh being the Tribe of Dan or a Nephilim hybrid. I have only had a pure heart my whole life. I have had unusual psychic experiences though and unquestionable events. I am also undergoing ascension since 2017. There sure is a lot of disinformation out there. If you decide to do a group let me know. I need to find my Tribe.
DeleteGod bless DR ANUGE for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS since 2010 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the HERPES out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HERPES i saw a comment about Dr ANUGE , how he cured HERPES with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine within 3days. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 2weeks later i was cured from HERPES contact him via email once again thanks to you Dr ANUGE. cure the flowing virus, contact his email or add him on whatsapp 2348164866838
ReplyDeleteHe also told me that he can cure the following diseases:
cancer cure
diabetes cure
ringing ear
herpes cure
warts cure
HPV cure
get your ex back
pregnancy herbal medicine
prostate enlargement
Kate, thanks for all the work you have done researching and posting this. I have had 3 kids myself so know how busy you must be. I am curious. Do you think the DNA testing is a way for Globalists to compile a unified list of DNA and perhaps a culling of sorts to reduce population? I have been reluctant to do so. Of course the human side of me is curious about my ancestry.
ReplyDeleteHonestly I do believe consumer DNA tests are truly for the global elite to have more information on the population. Sadly so many people have take part in these test that even if you haven't taken one the most likely have you and your family tree and enough DNA to build a profile for you or anyone. They caught a serial killer using what I'm talking about. The killer hadn't did a a ancestral DNA test but people he was related to did. Using DNA recovered at the scene his families DNA and family tree the got him. I believe they use these DNA banks to keep an eye on the population and anyone who may be of use. It also could be used to formulate bioweapons that specifically target people who carry certain genetic material. I believe the Zika virus may have been such an experiment.
Deletethis is being collected for their global MK voice to skull program.
I was sent to say you are an illusion ...You are only seen and heard by those those who never really see the the real . Try and catch me you can't . Tell the celebrities hi, I hold no one here to any power ! To give up power is to have the greatest power of all. Please allow me to introduce myself ....I not a person of means, This is not my world! It was only given to you on a sort lease that is running out! Guess who I am ?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteMore spam.. sending this out to hurting people is so wrong. I hate seeing people trying to fleece Gods flock. Elevate yourself to a higher place starting with honesty and integrity. You are on a site w Rh negative people. Many of us can see right through lies and deception.
ReplyDeleteThey tried and tried to get me to kill myself. Everyone thought I was crazy, and I couldn't get people to understand. I notice things, that others dont, I saw the white gov cars following me, I fricking knew but getting others to believe, pointless. Say what I know out loud, let them know your on to them. Let others know if u come up missing, what it's from. Once they know u can see them and that I know your not crazy, they back off. Don't let them get to your head, GOD is much bigger, and he is the only one to truly trust and count on. Been there, survived it, but it's a daily war, but I will be top. Back the fuck off my life, I will prevail, and our powers can lead many and they know it. Keep that in mind, they don't like that others are drawn to us, and trust our true wisdom, so if we look crazy, we can't lead the heard. You get it?, god blessed all of ours. See yourself and love the challenge
ReplyDeleteI GOT CURED FROM HERPES VIRUS I was diagnosed of HERPES virus and i have tried all I can to get cured but all to no avail,,until I saw a post in a health forum about a herbalist man who prepare herbal medications to cure all kind of diseases including #HERPES virus,at first I doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try,when I contacted this herbalist via his email and he prepared a #HERPES herbal cure and sent it to me via DHL delivery company service, when I received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by direction on how to apply it,after applying the way I was instructed,I was totally cured of this deadly disease called HERPES, all thanks to Dr OGODO Email this great herbal doctor via his email
ReplyDeleteYou can also WhatsApp him on +2349044680467
{5} HPV
{6} ALS
Only DR OGODO Can Help You I Love You Father.
This article just explained so many things for me & I am shook right now. That doesn't even explain it right. I'm flat out terrified! Honestly I think I preferred to think I was crazy. This all makes so much sense. What do i do now?
ReplyDeleteYeah... I think this article is full of crap.
ReplyDeleteI liked the article very much.
ReplyDeleteI also started to discuss about roots from our past life on our wonderful world.
Lastly, I came across the Bible and the revelation of mankind without being religious.
Well, I am a native German or as in the early time of Christ also called Israeli.
Our ancestors all come from Germania once. We are the first Celts. It is not called the heart of the world without reason. It is located in our wonderful harz and with it the ark of the covenant in goslar/Jerusalem. Everything told until the Middle Ages, from far eastern or southern countries, took place with us. Who has seen Asterix and oberlix, knows why this game is played until today. The eternal fight of the Gauls and Romans. The Roman Empire still exists on our soil and is trying to crush us.I sincerely hope that in the near future justice will be done for the numerous murders that have been committed against the Germans on our soil for thousands of years.
According to historical research, Italy was settled late and the Greek culture, palaces are works of the great Germanic tribes.
We are the original race of the germanic people with this sensational blood group negative. I myself am blood group zero negative.
There was much trickery by powers, so that it is difficult to see the truth. It is written in bibles, on stones, in runes, the megalithic sites, ley lines, even the crucifixion site is preserved. He was actually pierced by arrows.
Jesus Christ is a native Saxon, who went through several careers by abilities of incarnation, like all the other powerful beings.
We already know that this blood group has mastered abilities for a long time and with the help of rituals and providences such a thing is really possible.
Only unfortunately our history is to be suppressed until today, so that we will not regain our strengths / abilities and as a slave race to continue to serve the elites.
I would not have thought that the Bible would be once so revealing.
It is now time to connect the history to make something new out of it.
If interest exists, gladly after the present time you times to Germany look or visit if possible and some would freeze before astonishment.
Best regards from Germany
Tina Schütze
I beleive the Bible is coded for awakening. I read it 6 times as a kid. In my early 40s was compelled to read it again after a vision with Christ during a tremendous time of suffering of my soul. The eve I finished Jude the last Book before Revelation I woke up vibrating. There is a documentary out on it on either Netflix or Gaia, can't recall. I have not done the DNA test because I know intuitively there are rulers that are collecting this info. I was told there is Irish, German, Italian and Jewish. I have had supernatural events my whole life. I was also contacted by the Illuminati several times in a very discreet way and thought that was really odd. After awakening I walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. God who uses us to shine His truth/light into the world. We have no power unto ourselves. The Bible is the truth and when we live in the truth, God can uses us to bear fruit for the Kingdom. Everything else is a lie.
DeleteSo are you referring to the aryan race ?
DeleteMy name is Jane Wembli Josh and i live in the USA California and life is worth living right now for me and my family and all this is because of one man sent by GOD to help me and my family, i once had a life filled with sorrow because my first SON needed a kidney transplant and all our savings were going towards his medications and this normally leaves us with no money to pay our bills or even put enough food on our table and our rent was due and no funds to pay these bills and life felt so unfair to me and every night my wife will cry herself to sleep every night until one day, i was browsing through yahoo answers and i saw a striking advert of a man that gives out personal loans and that the offer is opened to all and i have heard so many things about internet scams but at this point of my life, i was very desperate and ready to take any risk and at the end of the day, i applied for this loan and from one step to another, i got my loan within 12 hours through bank transfer and you know, it was all like a dream and i called Rev. Fr. Kevin Doran A Man who is the GOD sent lender i found and said, i have received my loan and he smiled stating that to GOD be the glory and i was so shocked as i have never ever seen anyone with such a GOD fearing and kind heart and today, i am the happiest man on earth because by GOD’S grace, my SON kidney transplant was successful and today he is healthy, i and my family are living very comfortable and happy and if you are in my former situation or in serious and legitimate need of a loan, you can reach this GOD sent lender via
ReplyDeleteUm well for one thing, they test pregnant women’s blood for rh negativity because you need to get a rhogam shot or subsequent pregnancies will fail if the babies are positive, so that’s one of I’m sure many blatant falsities in this post.
ReplyDeleteI have known somehow that this was going on and I noticed myself being watched and I confronted them. They were to me laws. I was told I was a targeted individual and that I was on a list. I was completely blown away at the things I was told and I won't speak on but I have been stalked now got years and I will say this article is absolutely the truth. I have lived with sabatage and most of the people I used to know are dead. I struggle day to day and it just never seems for me that these forces are to blame. I have so much to say on this. Thank u for putting this out there because we can't all be crazy. My blood line is of direct decent of royalty and to moses. I am rh-. I too have had many odd happening and I also feel a threat to my life and my ability to prosper. I will not live in fear though and if this is happening to u you are not alone.
ReplyDeleteYes, you won't be alone. Keep in contact;
Ive shared some of the things ive learnt about my blood type and everyone just tells me im crazy and should be locked up. ive always felt off from the rest of the world but kept it to myself. Ive always known i was being watched but no one to tell it to. Im so scared for myself and my daughter who is only three months old after finding out she has rh neg blood as well. Im so scared of death and whats to come for us but im glad that i dont feel so alone anymore
ReplyDeleteI freely have
ReplyDeletepromise to the people keep telling good things about @doctor_drosa #healthcareadministration he can as well cure 1. HIV / AIDS 2. HERPES 3. CANCER 4. ALS 5. HEPATITIS B 6. DIABETES 7. HUMAN PAPILOMA VIRUS DISEASE (HPV) 8. ALZHEIMER 9. LUPUS (Lupus Vulgaris if you have any body that need help just give them @doctor_drosa contact on can alsocontactdoctor on Gmail
I am Orh- and definitely know I'm being followed. I am 4 and a half years Cryptically pregnant with twins. Yes 4 and a half years. I have also been abducted twice. Pretty sure my babies are more alien than me.
ReplyDeleteThis is an open invitation for you to become part of the world's biggest conglomerate and reach the peak of your career. As we begin this year's recruitment programme and our annual feast of harvest is almost at hand. Do you want to join the great illuminati brother hood today for fame wealth
Deleteand riches???
Contact us on Hangout via or WhatsApp: +2349033667873 or click on the link 👇
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deletewhat does cryptically pregnant mean exactly?
DeleteThis is an open invitation for you to become part of the world's biggest conglomerate and reach the peak of your career. As we begin this year's recruitment programme and our annual feast of harvest is almost at hand. Do you want to join the great illuminati brother hood today for fame wealth
ReplyDeleteand riches???
Contact us on Hangout via or WhatsApp: +2349033667873 or click on the link 👇
My name is Thomas White, from United states, i have been HIV positive and it is just like been through hell; well special thanks to God almighty for using Dr Twaha, the greatest spell caster in curing my HIV disease. I was diagnosed of this disease in the year 2004. Although I was taking my medications I was not myself. Until a few weeks ago. My friend came to me and told me that he saw many testimonies on how a spell caster cured people HIV disease. Although I never believe in spell, I said to myself "seeing is believing" I took his name and searched it on GOOGLE, I saw many testimonies myself. Quickly, I copied his email: I emailed him, he gave me a form to fill which I did, then he called me and told me that he required some items in which he will use in casting a curing spell on me and he told me that it will cost me some money which i sent to him because I could not find the items. He bought the items and prepared a cure for me, then he have sent a parcel to me through courier delivery service. I paid the courier services, I got my parcel, it was a bottle of ointment as described by Dr,Twaha After taking the ointment he told me to do a HIV test and the result came out negative. Quickly I called him and told him what happened he congratulated me. I promised to tell the world about him. You can contact him with any problem via email: ( or contant him on whatspp +2349038518881 thank you Dr Twaha
ReplyDeleteGood news this is to everyone out there with different health challenges, as I know there are still a lot of people suffering from different health issues and are therefore looking for solutions. I bring you Good news. There is a man called Dr ehiaguna a herbal practitioner who helped cure me from HSV (2), i had suffered from this diseases for the past 5 years and i have spent so much money trying to survive from it. I got my healing by taking the herbal medicine Dr ehiaguna sent to me to drink for about 14 days . 3 days after completion of the dosage, I went for a medical checkup and I was tested free from HSV. all thanks to God for leading me to Dr ehiaguna who was able to cure me completely from this deadly diseases, I’m sharing this so that other people can know of this great healer called Dr ehiaguna because I got to know him through elizabeth who he cured from HIV. I was made to understand that he can cure several other deadly diseases and infections. Don’t die in ignorance or silent and don’t let that illness take your life. Contact Dr ehiaguna through his email You can also whatsapp/call him on:+2348073908953 .He cure all forms of disease {1}HIV/AIDS {2}DIABETES {3}EPILEPSY {4} BLOOD CANCER {5} HPV {6} BRAIN TUMOR {7} HEPATITIS {8}COPD{9} SICKLE AND ANAEMIA.etc Be kind enough to share as you received.
ReplyDeleteHey how much do you get paid to spam peoples blogs? I’m looking to make some extra cash and if the price is right I might give it a go 😂
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Hi, is a true life experience is not designed to convince you its a personal health experience, sometimes medical doctors take a different approach about herpes treatment. i has been stocked in bondage with herpes for two years and four months i has tried different means to eliminate this sickness because it surely has distract me even with the world, and i was told there is no cure, but only medicine for treatment all the possible ways i has tried was treatment, two months back i did some herpes research and i found amazing testimonies concerning natural herbal cure, and i go for it through the email address from the post just to give a try of herbal treatment, and i found it grate without delay i got cured with natural treatment from doc Twaha herbal cure his cure are powerful and shows out excellent result. and i think everyone suffering with herpes and others symptoms should also know about this cure from, or WhatsApp him +2349038518881 thank you
ReplyDeleteI was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
ReplyDeleteliver already present. I started on antiviral medications which
reduced the viral load initially. After a couple of years the virus
became resistant. I started on HEPATITIS B Herbal treatment from
ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC ( in March, 2020. Their
treatment totally reversed the virus. I did another blood test after
the 6 months long treatment and tested negative to the virus. Amazing
treatment! This treatment is a breakthrough for all HBV carriers.
ReplyDeleteI am a very happy person today because i am now a full and bona-fide member of the great ILLUMINATI. I want to quickly Say a big thanks to Brother James Watt the agent of the brotherhood who introduced me to becoming a member of the great Brotherhood brothers and sisters here is my story. I was told by a friend that to become a member of the brotherhood is Very difficult, so i was thinking that i can never get the right link to join because i was scammed by three people whom i meant on the Internet and they promised to help me join but they never did. They collected my money and i was never initiated into the brotherhood. Until i was introduced to Brother James Watt and he told me the truth that those in USA Don’t pay any money from their pocket to become a member of the Illuminati, and i am an American. so i was very Interested i called the temple messenger number i was given it was +1(508)644-0400 when i called, the temple messenger Told me what i need to do, i did it and i was initiated i did not pay a dine from my money to become a member. But i was told that those living outside USA will have to pay some kind of money for the purchase of their initiation materials. But those living within the square of USA don't pay a dine. I followed all instructions and after my initiation, I was given all the benefit of becoming a member. As i talk to you am very okay and my future have been settled. I am well protected and i am wealthy and famous. Please if you wish to become a member of the great Illuminati contact Agent Brother James Watt on the Devil Church, ( or those in the USA can call or text directly the Temple messenger on +1(508)644-0400 And generally anyone who wishes to become a real member can send email to ( Become a member today and enjoy the benefit of life.
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Good day to all viewer online am so happy sharing this great testimony on how i was checking for solution in the internet then miraculously i came Across Dr OBUDU the powerful herbalist that Cure Numerous individuals Herpes Simplex Virus,so I contacted him base on the testimonies I?m seeing about him on the internet, I was cured too by him, kindly contact him today through his email he can help you email ; OR WHATSAPP +2349023428871 Website: and so he can cure types of diseases like,HEPATITIS B,DIABETICS,CANCER,HPV,LOW SPERM CAM HIV/STDS FIBROSIS LOST OF WEIGHT .. all thank to you Dr OBUDU for your kindly help in my life
ReplyDeleteGood day to all viewer online am so happy sharing this great testimony on how i was checking for solution in the internet then miraculously i came Across Dr OBUDU the powerful herbalist that Cure Numerous individuals Herpes Simplex Virus,so I contacted him base on the testimonies I?m seeing about him on the internet, I was cured too by him, kindly contact him today through his email he can help you email ; OR WHATSAPP +2349023428871 Website: and so he can cure types of diseases like,HEPATITIS B,DIABETICS,CANCER,HPV,LOW SPERM CAM HIV/STDS FIBROSIS LOST OF WEIGHT .. all thank to you Dr OBUDU for your kindly help in my life .,.,.
ReplyDeleteGood day to all viewer online am so happy sharing this great testimony on how i was checking for solution in the internet then miraculously i came Across Dr OBUDU the powerful herbalist that Cure Numerous individuals Herpes Simplex Virus,so I contacted him base on the testimonies I?m seeing about him on the internet, I was cured too by him, kindly contact him today through his email he can help you email ; OR WHATSAPP +2349023428871 Website: and so he can cure types of diseases like,HEPATITIS B,DIABETICS,CANCER,HPV,LOW SPERM CAM HIV/STDS FIBROSIS LOST OF WEIGHT .. all thank to you Dr OBUDU for your kindly help in my life .,.,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much doctor OBUDU for curing my GENITAL HERPES VIRUS, is good given a herbal medicine a try, i am so happy today about my result, herpes virus has a cure i have confirm it now with my own cases, i have been reading different comment about people who are cured from herpes virus, ALS, HPV, CANCER, LUPUS VIRUS and many more with doctor OBUDU herbal medicine , i was kind of skeptical so i made up my mid to give him a chance to cure me to to see if the comment i read was legit, i am 100% cure of this virus and i am giving my own comment base on my agreement with this doctor that once i am cure i will give a Testimony. pleases contact this doctor on your cure WHATSAPP/CALL +2349023428871 EMAIL or visit he's website: i am very lucky been among people giving a comment about this great doctor, before i was a comment ready. am grateful for this massive cure of my health. thanks very much ,.,.,.
ReplyDeleteTo the author. Thanks for all your hard work on this article. I am going to tell my story, and hope you don't mind. My husband's mom RH negative. She miscarried many many babies back in the 50's. She had one die after being born, and one died after my husband was born. He does have two living sisters (10 and 5 years older than him). Let me tell you, I didn't understand why his family acted like I was an outcast. One time his mother basically told me that my brown eyes were ruining her family bloodlines as they were always blue. I didn't know at the time why brown eyes were bad...anyway...I never felt like she liked me. We got married, but I really don't recall him ever having a blood test. He always just said he was 0+...until my granson was born and almost had to have a blood transfusion did I think that maybe he lied or never knew himself. Back in the 50's I don't think they knew how to treat a mother with RH negative blood. Otherwise she would not have had a dozen dead babies, and not a dead infant after he was born 1961. Besides he doesn't have an inner voice, he doesn't seem to have the ability or need for a higher power. He doesn't like to talk about his feelings, and could care less when people are suffering....he laughs inappropriately. I actually dreamed someone killed him for laughing at someone else's death/accident. Anyway we had 5 kids together. I am not sure if any of my kids were tested RH negative, but I almost lost my grandson due to jaundice. 3 of my kids got pretty bad jaundice. I feel like we are targeted. In fact one time a couple years ago I was talking to my brother, and hear a beep beep beep on the phone then we would be disconnected. So after a few times we both hit redial at the same time. My house phone number was changed to my brother's and my brother contacted a unauthorized national security office. I have had a ringing in my years for a decade, and neighbors around us have extensive lighting on us, lighting our whole property...have had people walk into the house more than once, and not take anything. Had a cop busted for peeking in my daughter's bedroom window...he was investigated and let go with a slap on the wrist. Had a stalker call me and say he would never stop watching me. My husband, couldn't care less.
ReplyDeleteNot a religious person. I was brought up in Catholic Church. Went to Catholic schools. When I was very young wanted to be a nun. One day abt 11 yrs old prayed so hard in church but felt nothing. I have a very analytical mind. The more I learn the History of the Church the less I believed. I no longer practice. I believe in the Christian Doctrine. I understand the need for big tech & the government to get rid of religion. The love of a being & the love for one another is the most powerful thing on earth. Imagine if all the rh negs put their collective minds for the good of humanity. For fairness, kindness & sustainability of basic physical needs. That is what they fear. That is our power. To love. If we open our hearts & send out nothing but love for all mankind will prevail & we will have peace. It is our purpose. That is why we are so unfairly persecuted, to harden our hearts. We must bear it. We are reaching the end. Send out your light & your love my brothers & sisters NOW.
ReplyDeleteI heard you! 🙂
STOP WASTING YOUR TIME ON FAKE PEOPLE WHO CLAIM TO BE AN AGENT I WAS SCAMED 4TIMES NOT UNTIL I RECIEVE A MESSAGE ON MY WHATSAPP TO CONTACT MR HARRIS WHICH I DID NOW I AM A FULL MEMBER OF THE GREAT ILLUMINATI BROTHERHOOD BE WHAT YOU WHICH FOR IN LIFE BY JOINING THE GREAT ILLUMINATI BROTHERHOOD TODAY Further encouraging the rumours is the widespread use of supposed "Illuminati" imagery in music videos. Many Freemason and Illuminati symbols, like devil horns and the all-seeing eye, have simply become popular in mainstream culture. But it's also true that some musicians seem to enjoy deliberately playing with symbols connected to secret societies.if you are interested contact via whatsapp or call +14092993890 GOOD LUCK.
ReplyDeleteHello Everyone, i am from Florida USA. I want to share my testimonies to the general
public on how this great man called Dr OLOKUN who cure my herpes. I have been a HERPES patient for over 9 Months and i have been in pains until i came across this lady when i traveled to Africa for business trip who happer and she told me that there is this great herbal doctor that help her tocure her herpes and she gave me his email address for me to contact and i did as she instructed. The man Dr OLOKUN told me how much to buy the
herpes herbal medication and how i will get it, which i did. And to my
greatest surprise that i took the Herpes herbal medicine for just two week as he
instructed and behold i went for a herpes test, to my greatest surprise for the
doctor confirmed me to be herpes free and said that i no longer have
herpes in my system and till now i have never felt any pains nor herpes again, so i
said i must testify the goodness of this man to the general public. So if
you are there surfing from this Herpes problems or any deadly disease or
other disease for i will advice you to contact him on his working
email: whatsapp him with thise number +2348132537313
(NO MEMBERSHIP FEE TO JOIN ILLUMINATI), I am giving a testimony on how i became rich and
ReplyDeletefamous today… i was deeply strangled up by poverty
and i had no body to help me, and also i searched for
help from different corners but to no avail… I see
people around me getting rich but to me i was so
ashamed of my self so i met a man on my way he was
very rich and he was a doctor so he told me something
and i think over it through out the day so the next day
i looked up and i keep repeating what he said to me.
” if you want to get rich quick and be famous” you
need to cross your heart and do what is in your mind
so i tried all i could in other for me to do as he said
so later on i told my fellow friend about this same
thing then my friend was interested in my suggestions
so i decided to look in the internet and i found an
email of an angent Jackson and
we decided to contact them and fortunately we did as
them instruct us to do and later, them told us to get some
requirements and all the rest… so this initiation took
us just a week and later on the great Illuminati gave
us $7,000,000.00 to start up our lives…. and now am
testifying that if in any case you want to join any
great Illuminati all you need to do is for you to contact
him on whatsapp +1(409)2993890.
Herpes is a serious and recurring disease which can't be cured through drugs or injections by the American doctors but the best way to deal with Herpes is by taking natural herbs medicine for it, I have read about DR EDAGHONGHON the great herbalist doctor who cure me from herpes with his powerful herbal medicine. I contacted him to know how he can help me and he told me never to worry that he will help me with the natural herbs from God! After 2 days of contacting him, he told me that the cure has been ready and he sent it to me via UPS SPEED POST and it got to me after 3 days! I used the medicine as he instructed me (MORNING and EVENING) and I was cured! it's really like a dream but i am so happy! for the people suffering from the following diseases, Cancer, hypothyroidism, Herpes, COPD, HIV, Arthritis, Hpv, Infections,Liver Disease,, Autoimmune Diseases, Parkinson's disease,,Lupus and more should contact him for his herbal medicine because i am a living testimony and i was cured of herpes and his medicine is legit. I sent him what he requested and he sent me his medicine which I took for 3 good weeks and today am out here with a negative result. When I went for the test I was so happy after going through his medication. you can reach him through his email: or call whatsapp number:+2349056731866 he will help you out.
ReplyDelete(NO MEMBERSHIP FEE TO JOIN ILLUMINATI), I am giving a testimony on how i became rich and famous today… i was deeply strangled up by poverty and i had no body to help me, and also i searched for help from different corners but to no avail… I see people around me getting rich but to me i was so ashamed of my self so i met a man on my way he was very rich and he was a doctor so he told me something and i think over it through out the day so the next day i looked up and i keep repeating what he said to me.” if you want to get rich quick and be famous” you need to cross your heart and do what is in your mind so i tried all i could in other for me to do as he said so later on i told my fellow friend about this same thing then my friend was interested in my suggestions so i decided to look in the internet and i found a number of an agent Jackson +1(409)2993890 and we decided to contact them and fortunately we did as them instruct us to do and later, them told us to get some requirements and all the rest… so this initiation took us just a week and later on the great Illuminati gave us $7,000,000.00 to start up our lives…. and now am testifying that if in any case you want to join any great Illuminati all you need to do is for you to contact, on emial or on whatsapp number +1(409)2993890.
ReplyDeleteNO MEMBERSHIPS FEE TO JOIN WELCOME TO ILLUMINATI SOCIETY were you can become rich and popular in your life, i am here to testify on how i became a member of the great Illuminati society, i was very poor no job and i had no money, i was confused in life i don't know what to do, so i came across the post about the Illuminati saying you can become rich in your life this is real , i told my self this is the only way to become rich, i contact agent Williams on WhatsApp and i explain everything to him he told me he will help and initiate me, definitely he told me they need some items that they are going to initiate me and i provideded them they told me to send them my home address and i did they told me the UPS is going to delivery me my benefit i said OK after that day i was afraid thinking and i call agent @Williams he told me to stay at home and i did within 24 hours time i saw some men with uniform and they told me they are here to delivery my package they did, i open it and i discover $7000Us dollars i immediately called agent Williams and he told me they are coming to pick me in 3 days time and they did i was invited to maitama's district were my initiation ceremony took place and all the members in the society give me the sum of $3000Us dollars and the Illuminati also give me an apartment that I never expected. He is the real Illuminati devil if you are interesting in joining this great Illuminati brotherhood you can WhatsApp him on +14096552473 or email him
ReplyDeleteI want to share my testimonies to the general
ReplyDeletepublic on how this great man called Dr OLOKUN who cure my herpes. I have been a HERPES patient for over 9 Months and i have been in pains until i came across this lady when i traveled to Africa for business trip who happer and she told me that there is this great herbal doctor that help her tocure her herpes and she gave me his email address for me to contact and i did as she instructed. The man Dr OLOKUN told me how much to buy the
herpes herbal medication and how i will get it, which i did. And to my
greatest surprise that i took the Herpes herbal medicine for just two week as he
instructed and behold i went for a herpes test, to my greatest surprise for the
doctor confirmed me to be herpes free and said that i no longer have
herpes in my system and till now i have never felt any pains nor herpes again, so i
said i must testify the goodness of this man to the general public. So if
you are there surfing from this Herpes problems or any deadly disease or
other disease for i will advice you to contact him on his working
email: OR on his cell phone +2348132537313 whatsapp number
I'm recommending Dr Aza to everyone who have herpes simplex virus to get the cure from him. I was diagnose of genital herpes in 2019 and i have been searching and asking questions to see if i could get something to cure the disease because i did not believe what the doctors say that no cure is found yet. I came across a comment on Youtube and the person testify how she was cured from herpes and hpv after using Dr Aza herbal medicine. I quickly contact Dr Aza and explain my problem to him and he prepare the herbs and send it to me through UPS and gave me instructions on how to use it and tell me to go for checkup after usage which i did after two weeks of taken the herbal medicine and my result was NEGATIVE. I waited another month and retested the result was still NEGATIVE and my doctor told me that am completely free from herpes. Am so happy and grateful to Dr Aza for what he has done for me and i will continue to share this for people out there to know that there is cure for herpes. You can contact Dr Aza on email and WhatsApp to get the cure from him. and WhatsApp +1(315) 795 1518 or visite his website at ...
ReplyDeleteI am here to give my testimony about Doctor babaiba who helped me.. i want to inform the public how i was cured from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) by Dr babaiba , i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on HERPES and i saw comment of people talking about how Doctor babaiba cured them. when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took for just 2 weeks and it seriously worked for me, my HERPES result came out negative. I am so happy as i am sharing this testimony. My advice to you all who thinks that there is no cure for herpes that is Not true just contact him and get your Dr babaiba healing herbal cure of all kinds of sickness you may have like
. he also cure my friend from cervical #cancer Email: OR
call or WHATAPP +2348140046509 I am forever greaful ...
Hello Friends i am so glad to write this article today to tell the world how Dr Oso cured my Herpes virus that have been in body since five years ago, ever since then my life has been in complete,i have used so many drugs that was prescribed to me by several doctors,but it didn't cure my Herpes VIRUS neither did it reduce the pain, i was checking for solution on the internet then miraculously came across Dr Oso the powerful herbalist that cure Herpes INFECTION,then i contacted his email, i explained everything to him and he prepared a herbal cure and send it to me that was how i got cured from Herpes disease totally after receiving his herbal medicine, so my friends why waiting and be suffering with this HPV virus when there is someone like Dr Oso that can cure any disease #HIV/ #CANCER/ #HEPATITIS C ,#HERPES VIRUS, #ALS . you can contact him via: or whatsapp +2348162084839
you can also email me for more info about DR oso via
Thank GOD for My Life, i am so glad to writing this article today to tell the world how Dr oso cured my HSV VIRUS, I have been detected with HSV-1 AND HSV-2 since 2 years ago, ever since then my life has been in complete bizarre and agony, i have used so many drugs that was prescribed to me by several doctors, but it didn't cure my HSV VIRUS neither did it reduce the pain, until a certain i was checking for solution in the internet, then miraculously came across Dr oso the powerful herbalist that cure numerous individuals HSV-1 AND HSV-2 INFECTION, then i contacted his WhatsApp number at 2348162084839 or email: i explained everything to him and he prepared a cure, that cure my HSV-1 AND HSV-2 disease totally after receiving his herbal medicine, so my friends viewers why wait and be suffer when there is someone like Dr OSO that can cure any disease HIV/ CANCER/ HEPATITIS B VIRUS, you can contact his via : or WHATSAPP 2348162084839
ReplyDeleteGOD BLESS YOU ALL? ..
Here is the DR OSO
Herbal medicine is the best 💓💓Greetings I am here to testify how great man called Dr OMO helped me out with herbs and roots which he prepared for me in use of curing my fibroids and Getting pregnant after 8 years of try to conceive with fibroids I takes his product (cure for my fibroid made with herbal medicine Root) for (21) days before I am to known I was totally pregnant after 2months of using dr omo herbs he also have Herbal medical for all types of diseases, and i promised him that i will tell the world about his Great job he ask me to drink from the herbal medicine before meeting my husband I did and after 2months I was pregnant thank you for your great job he can also help you if you have a low sperm count you want to convince a baby fast PCOS ,infections, stomach ulcer, Endometriosis, cancer, yeast infection, fibromyalgia, Gonorrhea, Chronic pain, LUPUS low testosterone, Herpes,BV, blocked fallopian tubes Liver parasites ovarian cysts Arthritis, pile, Crowns and all other type of diseases, breast cancer, Get lost period back, stop period pain, Email : WhatsApp him on +2349033505260 thank you..Dr Omo. Please help me share and save others God bless you all........
ReplyDeletei am so glad to write this article today to tell the world how Dr. Ohunyom cured my HPV virus that have been in my body since five years ago, ever since then my life has been in complete,i have used so many drugs that was prescribed to me by several doctors,but it didn't cure my HPV VIRUS neither did it reduce the pain, i was checking for solution on the internet then miraculously came across Dr. Ohunyom the powerful herbalist that cure HPV INFECTION,then i contacted his email, i explained everything to him and he prepared a herbal cure and send it to me that was how i got cured from HPV disease totally after receiving his herbal medicine, so my friends viewers why waiting and be suffering with this HPV virus when there is someone like Dr. Ohunyom that can get you cured completely. you can contact his Email and also WhatsApp him +2349060579973 And He also have herbs medicine to cured the following diseases; eczema,urethra wart,chronic problems.Herpes, Cancer, Als,Hepatitis, Diabetes, HPV,Infections,ulcer ETC
ReplyDeleteI purchased herpes herbal medicine and received it within 7 days and used it as prescribed, I tested negative within 3 weeks use, do not loose hope to contact him early If you need help meet him on his email address or Whatsapp number +2348119508814
I've been treating herpes virus for several years with different medications until I saw a post on how a young lady got cured from herpes, Out of desperation I decided to contact him with little or no hope of a solution after taken his herbal medications reluctantly to my biggest surprise I tested negative, God bless or +2348119508814 for his wonderful work
ReplyDeleteMy name is Mr. Susan William, I live in Hungary and today I am a happy woman and I have told myself that every creditor who saves my family from our poor situation i will testify to the world and university credit (United. approved and cedited me the loan sum of 250.000. euro. is the best loan company for reliable, trustworthy loan with 1% interest. do You need a loan today, they offer all kinds of loans, contact them today for urgent loan at (UC credit) does not request collateral. I am a living testimony
ReplyDeleteI am Female .. O negative .. celtic and Icelandic descent.. my whole life I have witnessed strange paranormal activities.. I can remote view and astral travel fairly easy. I have had strange occurrences with other people. But I'm confused on your missing persons info. Did they go missing in national parks or after being out at a bar? I missed how the two are connected.
ReplyDeleteI was slipped ghb at a bar I knew I wasn't drunk because I had one small drink yet the room was getting blurry. A man I didn't know was walking me towards the exit. Once you exit you weren't allowed in. My friend whom apparently I was seperated from saw the man about to walk me outside. My friend grabbed my arm pulled me away from the stranger who was left standing outside unable to come back in.
Everything was blurry for me. My friend was worried. Gave me water had me stay at their house to watch over me where I was very sick. If they hadn't of caught the man trying to take me I dont know what would have happened.
Strange things like this has happened my whole life. Plus I can lucid dream .. I sometimes know when something is about to happen .. my grandmother was the same way. I predicted 9/11 was going to happen 6 months before it did and have it recorded. My whole life have had strange ufo encounters.. Idk the list goes on and on.
i am so glad to write this article today to tell the world how Dr. Ohunyom cured my HPV virus that have been in my body since five years ago, ever since then my life has been in complete,i have used so many drugs that was prescribed to me by several doctors,but it didn't cure my HPV VIRUS neither did it reduce the pain, i was checking for solution on the internet then miraculously came across Dr. Ohunyom the powerful herbalist that cure HPV INFECTION,then i contacted his email, i explained everything to him and he prepared a herbal cure and send it to me that was how i got cured from HPV disease totally after receiving his herbal medicine, so my friends viewers why waiting and be suffering with this HPV virus when there is someone like Dr. Ohunyom that can get you cured completely. you can contact his Email and also WhatsApp him +2349060579973 And He also have herbs medicine to cured the following diseases; eczema,urethra wart,chronic problems.Herpes, Cancer, Als,Hepatitis, Diabetes, HPV,Infections,ulcer ETC
ReplyDeleteBeing Herpes Patient can be one of the most difficult experiences you go through in life. You may feel scared, sad or even angry – this is OK, and a completely natural part of coping with something that can be life changing.
ReplyDeleteIt will probably take a while for the news to sink in. My name is Janey cooker and i am from the United States, I remember spending so much money buying drugs from hospitals hoping that I will be cured from HERPES INFECTION, but all to no avail. I contacted so many doctors and they prescribe medicine for me which they indeed tried their best but was unable to provide for me a possible cure, luckily i saw a comment about a herbal doctor, (Oyama) am always forever grateful after using his herbal medicine i was cured if you are out there kindly reach him WhatsApp or email +2348108264684
Being Herpes Patient can be one of the most difficult experiences you go through in life. You may feel scared, sad or even angry – this is OK, and a completely natural part of coping with something that can be life changing.
It will probably take a while for the news to sink in. My name is Janey cooker and i am from the United States, I remember spending so much money buying drugs from hospitals hoping that I will be cured from HERPES INFECTION, but all to no avail. I contacted so many doctors and they prescribe medicine for me which they indeed tried their best but was unable to provide for me a possible cure, luckily i saw a comment about a herbal doctor, (Oyama) am always forever grateful after using his herbal medicine i was cured if you are out there kindly reach him WhatsApp or email +2348108264684
Las hierbas naturales han curado tantas enfermedades que los medicamentos y las inyecciones no pueden curar. He visto la gran importancia de las hierbas naturales y el maravilloso trabajo que han realizado en la vida de las personas. Leí los testimonios de personas en línea sobre cómo se curaron del herpes, el VIH, los diabéticos, etc. por medio de la medicina a base de hierbas del doctor adeogun ise, así que decidí contactar al médico porque sé que la naturaleza tiene el poder de curar cualquier cosa. Me diagnosticaron VIH durante los últimos 7 años, pero el Dr. Adeogun me curó con sus hierbas y le recomendé a mi tía y su esposo de inmediato porque ambos sufrían de herpes y también se curaron. Sé que es difícil de creer pero soy un testimonio vivo. No hay nada de malo en probar hierbas. También es un lanzador de hechizos, lanza hechizos para restaurar matrimonios rotos y hechizos de buena suerte para prosperar y sobresalir en la vida. Whatsapp: +234 7045891565 Contactar con Dr.adeogun Correo electrónico:
ReplyDeleteHey guys, so in July 2019 I had my first outbreak & it was literal the biggest nightmare, I had lesions inside my urethra so peeing was the worst. I had went to the doctors and I was misdiagnosed! They told me it was a yeast infection and gave me medicine for that. Fast forward to October 2020, I had my second outbreak, not as intense as the first but still bad, went to my regular doctor this time and boom, tested positive for type 1 herpes. I had just gotten out of an abusive relationship with my boyfriend and I automatically knew I'd gotten the virus from him. I was broken, depressed and thought my life was over. But natural herbs and root cause is really a life saver, after a week of using dr Oshuku herbal remedies my symptoms started to disappear. Now Am totally cure from Herpes contact details
ReplyDeleteI want to tell the world the secret of wealth, you can become what you want to become in life, is just to do the right things and meet the right people who can help you to achieve your dreams in life, in any situation you are do not give up, because we are born to achieve our dreams in the earth, because we all will still leave the earth so we need to enjoy and be happy all time, i want you to know that the illuminati is to help you in any area you need help in life, joining the illuminati will bring you change of level in your life and good news, If you are poor or you have a family problems, or you want to be rich and famous in life you have to join the illuminati, so that you can be free in life and achieve all your dreams, joining the illuminati you will not share any human blood, because illuminati is an organization to help people how are in need of help, it is an organization that brings joy and happiness to once life, when you are totaly initiated to the illuminati you will be given instant cash of $2,000,000.00 to settle all your outstanding, you have to know that it is free to join the illuminati because the illuminati is to help not to take money from who need help, if you are interested to join the illuminati and become successful in life you have to contact the illuminati official email: or call/text +16012273799 or WhatsApp +13019692020 on how to join the great illuminati, it is free to join the illuminati organization
ReplyDeleteI just want to say that all of these spam comments were at one time real comments that someone took the time to write but for some reason anything that they wrote was swapped out for the spam messages. It seems someone really doesn't want people sharing their thoughts and experiences when it comes to this topic. I wish I could've screen shot it. I checked my Gmail and seen a notification for a comment on this blog. It was an awesome read. So I wanted to reply back when I went to blog to reply back the comment was no longer there. It was now a comment about herpes medication. So I went back to my Gmail and when I reopened the notification the comment was gone and only the herpes garbage was there. I've been trying to catch this phenomenon again. So anytime I get notifications I look to see if I can screen shot the real comments but unfortunately ever since this became apparent to me I've only received spam. So if you have left a comment and the comment is now spam I would love to know. You can email me at
ReplyDeleteAm really happy that i have been cured from HSV1&2 DISEASE with the herbal medicine of DR OLIHA have been suffering from this disease for a long time now without solution until i came across the email of this doctor who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave me his herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follow his instructions for use and he ask me to go for a check up after 3 months which i did, to my greatest surprise my result came out as negative, i am really happy that there is someone like this doctor who is ready to help anytime any day. To all the readers and viewers that is doubting this testimony, stop doubting it and contact this doctor if you have any disease and see if he will not actually help you. I know that there are some people out there who are really suffering and hurting their family just because of these diseases. you can get to him through WhatsApp number:+2349038382931 he will help you out or email oliha.miraclemedicine@gmail .com
ReplyDeleteSpecial thanks to Dr.omobhude for helping me get cured from Lupus disease and fibromyalgia, I was tested Positive last 5 months, I contacted him base on the testimonies I'm seeing about him on the Internet, I was cured too by him, this herbal Doctor is capable to heal anything,
ReplyDelete1. Fibroid
2. Asthma
3. Diabetes 1/2
4. Cancer stage 1/3
5. Hepatitis B
6. Herpes
7. HPV
kindly contact him today through you can also add Dr.omobhude on WhatsApp +2349050360605 ( he can help you
it is unbelievable and unimaginable that I survived CIRRHOSIS & HEPATITIS B. All thanks to Dr. Iyabiye who came to my rescue, I already lost my job and was about to lose my life when my mom discovered him and reached out for help. I had pains all over, swollen stomach and I lost appetite extend that to drink water was difficult but lucky me, I got cured by Dr. Iyabiye. His contacts:
ReplyDeleteTell: +234 815 857 7300
Natural herbs have cured so many illnesses that drugs and injection cant cure. I've seen the great importance of natural herbs and the wonderful work they have done in people's lives. I read testimonies online on how they were cured of herpes, HIV, diabetics and a lot more by Dr okosun herbal medicine, so I decided to contact the doctor because I know nature has the power to heal anything. I was diagnosed with herpes for the past 5 years but Dr okosun cured me with his herbs and I referred my aunt and her husband to him immediately because they were both suffering from herpes and they were cured too .I know this is hard to believe but I'm a living testimony. There is no harm trying herbs.Contact Dr okosun: drokosun55@gmail .com
ReplyDeletePhone/Whatsapp: +2348124363791
It's a miracle that I'm alive today. I encountered HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS (HSV1/2) for good four (4) years, before I met the great Dr.okosun. I am Leslie Jordan from Fresno, California, United State of America and I was infected with the herpes virus. Herpes is a viral infection caused by the Herpes simplex virus, marked by painful, watery blisters in the skin or mucous membrane or on the genitals. This was what I suffered for good four years. I have visited CVS Pharmacy in Fresno for treatment but no improvement. I met Dr. Okosun online while I was searching for herpes cure. I read lots of testimony about his work. I give a try that now becomes a testimony in my life, I'm now fully cured. Kindly contact Dr okosun via WhatsApp +2348124363791
ReplyDeleteor email him on drokosun55@gmail. com
I know there are lots of people out there suffering from various diseases and infections, why don't you contact dr okosun today and get cured just as i did, dr okosun brought peace and happiness back to my life and gave me a second chance to life and i will always testify about his good work.
This has happened to me throughout my life from the moment I was born. I knew my "parents" were not who they said they were, I referred to them the my guards. As soon as I started talking I would tell them they weren't my real parents and where I came from. I had a lot of weirdness happen to me growing up.
ReplyDeletePyschic testing was done on me in elementary school. I was always treated like trash by others. The abuse I endured has resulted in lasting health issues. I don't even know who I am or my real name because I was placed with these people.
I have been searching for the truth my entire life. My friends who say I was the one with the weird blood.
Thank you.